So I have to feel another loss.....


9 Years
Mar 14, 2010
Ocean County, NJ
This site has been nothing but supportive to me. So as I sit here with my hen Pippie (a white silkie) in my arms, I had to talk about her & knew I could come on here.

I've had her for about 5 years & got her when she was maybe a year old. She was with my first ever hen Sookie, who sadly got very sick at about a year old & was put down by the help of a great vet (his father also owns a local zoo & shelter that does wonderful things for wild animals that have nowhere to go).

Poor Pippie was by herself, so I got fertilized eggs when she was broody & I was able to see these amazing babies born. And so I kept one, the orange one, Pumpkin.

These are my pets & they always got the best. Watermelon, corn on the cob, oatmeal, super worms, zucchini.

Somehow Pippie hurt her leg about a month ago & luckily she got better (with the help & advice of someone on here). But for the past week I could tell she was losing strength. This past weekend she would just sit in the pen, not bothering to scratch. Thinking her leg was bothering her I gave her some aspirin & she did start moving around for a day.

I came home tonight to see her in her nest box, where she'd been sleeping since she hurt her leg. I kept her & Pumpkin in the coop today due to the cold damp weather we're getting. The poor thing was just sitting there with her head hanging & I knew it was gonna be bad.

When I love, I love completely & animals probably get triple that. I became a vegetarian about 10 years ago because I love animals that much. So I sit here in my living room. Pippie under my arm on a pillow, not making a movement. Very shallow breathing. I hate to see her go but glad I can give her the warmth & love that I feel for her.

I really hate days like these, but I will always have animals in my life. What they give you is so much bigger than the pain you feel when you lose them.

I'm sorry about your bird. Hope you can find some comfort in knowing she had a good life with your care.
So sorry to hear that Pippie is unwell and possibly coming to the end of her life. You have obviously given her a wonderful and loving existence and I hope that your memories of her good times will help you if the worst happens. I hope pumpkin doesn't fret too much from the loss of her mother and companion and that you are able to find a suitable new companion for her if need be.

Thinking of you and sending you hugs


PS. That is a really charming picture of them. I hope you have a framed copy of it on your wall so that you can look at it every day and remember her
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I'm sorry to hear about your Pippie. I can only imagine what you are feeling. Try to lighten your heart by knowing you've been a good Mom to her.
Thank you everyone who commented. Always hard to lose something you love & only harder when you don't have family who is loving & caring to help you through the difficult time. Thank God for good friends & this site for its support.

I'm in the process of either trying to find pumpkin a good home as a pet or another buddy because she is lonely.

Again thank you everyone. I was happy that Pippie waited til I got home & was able to hold her & comfort her til she took her last breath. It really would've hurt more if I wasn't there for her.

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