Nice to see the critter's all comfy. Nothing exciting going on here. We went from 50 degrees wind the whipping and suppose to feel like 3 degrees tonight. I'm get fabric ready for the New Year's Day mystery quilt on Even though I should finish the numerous tops that haven't been quilted yet...oops. Me Bad again.
Still waiting for 2nd read of my bone scan.........
That stinks!!! Get on the phone girl!! Drive them crazy until they get you the answers you need. Prayers coming your way.

Lurchie is picking up a prescription of marinol for me.
Fingers crossed that this will help with all the crap I've got going on.

Anyone heard from Sara? She's not been on here or Facebook. I'm getting worried.
I PMed Sara before Christmas. She is doing fantastic and is happy to be enjoying life. She doesn't want to be doing cartwheels in front of all of you who are still struggling so hard. I think she had a tough row to hoe, and her Garden is in order and she should enjoy it. But, I understand how she feels.
If Sara can do it, It is doable!
Hugs to all of you!
CM, I hope this stuff makes it better.
I have been walking H or high water, and I do feel better.
Broody, you have a good attitude and we are behind you, but if it gets overwhelming, we are here with and ear and all sorts of encouragement. you are not doing this alone.
Had my 2nd treatment of chemo infusion.......not sure i want to go thru this the rest of my life....i go back to the doc on the 4th me a few thinks about it.7
That stinks!!! Get on the phone girl!! Drive them crazy until they get you the answers you need. Prayers coming your way.

Lurchie is picking up a prescription of marinol for me.
Fingers crossed that this will help with all the crap I've got going on.

Anyone heard from Sara? She's not been on here or Facebook. I'm getting worried.

I got a different nurse because my nurse coordinator is out sick.
The jist of it is that they want me to have a sodium fluoride PET scan or biopsy. The bone scan was not enough.
Anybody with an info on that type of bone scan?


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