Thank you for filling us in! I was trying to keep patient and not bug you. Heather caved first.
Great news about the lymph node. fantastic news. (Doing the 'supper time' snoopy dance in my head )
Ask your Dr. if you can ginger or licorice. It may help the stomach pain and upset, but it might also have contradictory reaction with something else they are giving you. Ginger is the most remarkable plant. It makes me wonder what else is out there that we are burning off and paving over. (Oops, I let the environmentalist out- Back! Back in with her!))

I can't see me being a facebook addict. I have finally weaned myself from BYC when they changed formats. I am not trying anything new.

I spend my free hours on groove shark checking out all of the music that I never new existed because it isn't mainstream. I have turned out to be a punk rock fan. Who knew?
All we get around here is 80's rock and country. And I was SOOOO tired of 80's rock. Bob Sieger has worn a groove into my brain that may never repair itself.

I was so happy to see the banks get their wrists slapped in the foreclosure abuses. That might be why the lawyers were not prepared, they were fighting bigger fish. I hope they get swallowed by one.
Take care!
I have had a few friends who had a hysterectomy and they said they would do it again. I am sorry you are having to go through this and I pray everything goes the way you want it to. Have faith that no matter what, you will be taken care of.
I have not been on in a very long time. I am sorry about that. Life seems to be full of things that demand our time, some good, some bad. Many things have transpired since my last post. Sold all the cattle and hogs and chickens, cut way back on the goats and relocated with the remaining herd to our current residence here on the old family farm to care for my elderly grandparents. Pop will be 94 on the 27th of this month and Mawmaw just turned 84 on new years day. He is diabetic and she has mild alzheimers. Hubby had a widdow maker on nov 11, 2012 and should not be alive but is recovering nicely. He is not back to work yet but we are optomistic that he can return in the reasonable near future. I have tought of you all on and off but just have not put fingers to keyboard in the midst of all the happenings. I hope and pray that you are all doing well. I will make a honest attempt to check in more frequently :)
Hey Robin,
I have been trying to reply for a couple days now. I hope This will actually send. We'll see.

I have been thinking of you and hoping that everything was going so well that you just didn't have time to be on.
It sounds like you have ripped up all of your roots and changed your life completely.
That takes some serious courage. You sound like you are holding on, but if you need to talk, vent, or cry on a cyber shoulder, you know we are all here for you.
I hope for the best for you and your family. I am glad your husband survived, I hope he has held it together emotionally. Hard working people take these things very hard and seem to make it a personal failing, when the rest of us were always impressed with their super human strength to begin with. I guess it is very hard to take off the super suit.
Keep in touch.
My heart goes out to anyone inflicted.....I believe there is a cure......... I just wanted to share this with you. It's a documentary called The Beautiful Truth. If you don't have netflix or have already used your free trial & want to see this documentary, contact me & I'll loan you my Netflix account so you can watch it. ... Dr Max Gerson, & Nikola Tesla are 2 names we should all know.....PEACE!
Thanks, Jan! I appreciate your kind words and thoughtfulness. Doug has done pretty well although he has his days where he feels like he is worthless. He is an over-achiever the start with so it made it very hard for him to accept that he couldn't do all the things he use to do any more. He is adjusting though. He's tough :) But it hasn't been easy watching him struggle.

God has provided for us in this hardship in wonderful ways so I can't complain. He also called Doug to the ministry so that is very exciting. He has already filled the pullpit at a couple of churches and he is embracing the time he has to grow in his walk and study :) It's all good!

Love you guys! Thanks for just being here all these years! Hugs!!!
Hey everyone!! So glad to see this thread is still old computer went hooey on me and I was too lazy to acquire a new password til now. Lazy on the computer, but not in life! Been busy as a bee.

I don't usually go on FB. Sometimes I get a hint or two from Cindi to "come on over". But I'm lost over there......I didn't even know how to enter a post.
Now I do but just can't jive with it. I still like it here though.....even if some things have changed - like how to post a pic - ugh.

Hope everyone is doing well, and to the ones who have to struggle with a cancer - believe me, there's more hope now than ever. Don't give up. And like Cindi said in the above post - it's all about attitude. If you have a good, strong attitude and try not to be scared, it's amazing what you can accomplish. The space of time between doc visits for me is getting longer - every 6 months now. But I really can't wait til I don't even have to think about it anymore. That's my goal now.

Besides drumming being my thing now, I've learned to play the didgeridoo too. I'm trying my best on the circular breathing part - that's kinda hard, but I also haven't been practicing either...duh. I can go a long time with one breath, so I'm getting away with it for now.

Hey Jan, Judy, Robin, Heather and you too Cindi !! So nice to see your posts!
Hey Luna!
I figured you were busy enjoying retirement, I think of you often. I am glad you are still drumming. What made you take up the didgeridoo? Take a trip down under?

I am trying as hard as humanly possible to get or business back on it's feet, but the more I accomplish - the more work I have to do... so I am feeling like the walking dead most of the time. But, The plants are sweet and don't talk back or hassle me. I kissed a beautiful leaf the other day because it was so huge and green and shinny and it made me happy... then I realized that I just kissed a leaf and that maybe I need to be around people a bit more.
...or not.

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