Solar powered Shed light!

Cats Critters

Completely Indecisive
13 Years
Oct 15, 2007
Clarion County, PA
My Coop
My Coop
I found one at a semi-local flee-market, I'm going to be using it in the chicken's coup. You put the panel on the outside and run a cord to the light inside (which you can turn on and off). So I won't have to carry a flashlight inside any more, when I'm doing chores early in the morning or late at night! Still need to put it up, but I think it will be worth the $12 I spent on it. Any one else have a solar powered Shed light, and if so how well does it work?
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Yes! We just bought one at Sam's Club for the new coop. It included a tiny solar panel, cord, light, and remote, plus batteries for the light and remote. (The remote batteries were regular AAs, not solar charged.) It took almost no time to set up. The coop is only 8x8 and is painted white on the inside, so the light does a great job illuminating it, even though it's only the equivalent of an 18W incandescent. The manufacturer claims that the solar panel will charge the light battery even on cloudy days. We're a little skeptical that it will work when it's cold out, but we'll see.

This is the light we bought, but we paid $35, not $78. This one looks like a better deal, if it works as well.
I've heard that Lowe's carry them but I'm not sure how much they cost. I plan on getting one for ours before the cold weather hits.
fade to purple; what is the light equal to as compared to a std. bulb such as 60w or 100 watt?
I tried Lowes and HOme Depot here and all they have is the motion sensored ones. So I ordered mine from the improvments catalog. It cost me $ 50 . It has the panel for the outside and the light on the inside has a pull string to turn it on. Ther is a nightlight so you can find the string in the dark. Here is the link for it.
I haven't got my light yet but it should be here this coming week I am excited and can't wait my babies are 19 weeks old and we had our first egg today. So we need a light I have to go out there in the dark every morning. Hope that helped.
It's the equivalent of a 28 watt (not 18 as I said in my first post), but it seems a LOT brighter than that.
Do they have to have a light at night ~ mine in the coop don't. And the ones that free range 24/7 roosting in trees certainly don't have light, unless it is a full moon.

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