Some one is stealing my eggs!!!!

Anti-freeze is a cruel death.


I agree cruel death
the "dont mess wth my chickens" side of me says put mouse trap n there and keep chicks out till you catch "the big one". This would make for better deer camera photos! lol the nice person in me says. put note or sign that says " if you are really this hungry just ask I will give you some eggs" after all people who keep chickens are usually generous hearted folk which is why the first response came out of me. Times are not that hard ...yet... which is why I keep chickens.
Well even the idea of DH shooting these crows/ravens (?) bothers me, so there will be no antifreeze eggs being put out. I think we will headinto town today and get some bird netting and PVC and cover the run. That should help keep out the little birds that eat my feed too and that would be great! If he does decide to break out the pellet gun I better not be home! If it is kids, I'm pretty sure I know who they would be and they know we are watching.
Guess she could use a shotgun.

Well, it would definitely be a lot more humane than anti-freeze would be.

It looks like NoseyChickens is on the road to solving the problem with their proposed run cover which will help in other ways, also.


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