Some People - Rant

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Yep, some people.
I had a tenant call me over to come look at her stove the other day......

oh the horrors, it was dirty! She clearly needed a new one (the old is three years old-all HER time using it)

She was horrified to find out she would have to clean it

And then there is her neighbor who chewed me out for not coming over to change out her lightbulb for her.........
I had a woman come into a my old workplace one time and had a huge bill that she claimed she couldn't pay because she was on welfare or disability and couldn't even get food. Then, in the next breath, she tells a co-worker how excited she was about getting her car customized.

I hear stories about this all the time. Some people seem to be able to afford designer jeans and nice cars/houses, but can't pay their bills or feed themselves.
Ughh, a roommate of mine is like that. She has "arthritis" and has gotten disability and handicap parking permit. Yet, somehow she finds it possible to work out consistently every day, which often includes a 2 mile run around the lake. Hmmm, you can run around the lake but you can walk a couple of feet further to the door of a building? It's certainly annoying, but doesn't really bother me unless she uses her "disability" to get out of something. Some of you may say "oh some people have things you can't see", but she complains about EVERYTHING, is always sick with some stupid thing that you can never see or treat, and she claims to have all these food allergies. As an EMT, I can positively say she does NOT have food allergies to almost all of the things she claims she does. It's an odd situation, but her mother is the same way. It's always fun when her mom comes to pick her up.
They talk about their ailments like a couple of old ladies. And what's worse, the mother uses her handicap parking tag even when her daughter is not in the car with her. That is just downright laziness to me.

It's possible it's psychological. Often people with psychological issues claim a physical ailment because there is less stigma
My DH never fails to comment when we fail to find a parking spot within 100 yards of the door, when all 20 handicap spots are empty. He's still looking for the one labeled, "Reserved for Taxpayers" We should get extra honor for supporting all these people.

edited to add...

I know of what I speak...I have a 30 year old son and his girlfriend that live off the system. He DOES have some limitation due to car accident head-injuries, but is more than capable to getting at least a part-time job. Lord only knows what her problem is. Even when a body does have legitimate limitations, that is not an excuse to NOT try!
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I understand, i have helped out at the food pantry b4, and its amazing how starving ppl can afford smokes, then turn down certain food items they don't like!
Get this one....
I've been on my own (WORKING MY BUTT OFF) since I was 16. Paid my own way by working 2+ jobs most of my 37 years. I've put myself through nursing school and have NEVER taken from's a pride thing. My little sister on the other hand...grrrrr....sits on her very unhealthy butt and tries to come up with ways to convince her Dr. to put her on medical disability.

She makes up health problems and takes medication to make herself sick so that she will start vomiting...ER visit later, she has one more report as to why she is physicaly unable to function.....DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!!

Then she will sit around smoking and drinking...eventually passing out, while I watch her poor kids. AND MY DAD ALWAYS ASKS WHY I DON'T LIKE MY SISTER....

Ok in the disabled people's defense, some people have illness, injury, and so on that is unpredictable making them unreliable employees. Also some people need the disability insurance because they have thousands of dollars in medicine, no insurance company will take them nor would they be able to afford the company. The medicine makes it so they can work but if they go off of disability they will no longer be able to afford the medication which then makes them incapable of working. The system is screwed up. They are often foiled coming and going. The health care system makes it hard for hard working people to get the care they need so they can keep working and the only way to get help is to loose everything and sit on their thumbs feeling guilty and useless. Disability comes at the cost of one's security, freedom, sense of self worth, independence, and dreams. Some people do abuse the system but it is not easy to get disability, and people who get it have to go through the wringer to do so. Also many of the disabled are quite good at hiding it. Disability rarely pays any more than below the poverty line and there are those who are on disability who are eating dog food , road kill, or what ever they can scrounge together. I am not exaggerating. Often the people on the system , welfare, disability, etc, are below poverty, are in a situation they can't get out because the system does not make it easy, many have worked themselves into the ground , or they have simply given up. Drugs and poverty go hand in hand as people try to self medicate, leading to even more problems. Children raised in this situation often end up on the system too because of the poor services in schools where poverty is frequent, the parents lack of ability to pay for extra curricular activities, and college. Our system is set up to create poverty, make people unable to care for themselves the punish them for getting trapped in the system. It is a complex issue that varies from social, ethnic, and economic groups, systems, and areas.
Oh get this!

I have an empty apartment in the same building as the tenant that needed to clean her stove.....Guess who now has a stove in any empty apt with all the same parts as the dirty tenant MISSING!!

We had the door unlocked parts of the past two days as service people came in and out getting it ready for the new tenants (who will probably end up with a new stove)
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