Somebody shot my rooster in head with BB gun-need urgent advice please!

Good morning update on Rick!!!

First off, thank you to those that showed support to me in this process, can't thank you enough!

I let the flock out this am, and Rick actually walked out like he knew where he was going. One eye is completely clear now, but we've been unsure if whether he can see or not.

The swelling in the other most injured eye has gone down a lot and looks like there's hope for it too.

The big news is Rick was making his call like he found something to eat, I turned around and he's scratching and drinking water out of the bitty waterer!!!

Big news, because we've been feeding him the hens whipped eggs mostly.

If I could've hit my knees right there in the run without worries of hitting poop, I would've, but instead I praised God standing up, tears flowing!

We've prayed and prayed for this guy, and it looks like he's going to be just fine!

I've learned a lot and I hope to be able to help someone else one day!

Thanks again to all of you, I will try to get done new pics of Rick today!
Hey guys! Thanks again for the support!

I tried to get some pics of Rick tonight, but man he's getting feisty!

I got his bad eye open today after soaking it, so there's hope for it also.

My husband took a sweet potato up tonight for the other chickens when we were going to feed Rick by hand, and what do you know, Rick was eating, albeit a lot of stumbling like he was drunk, I guess he's very weak. It's his first day of moving and walking around. He did eat a lot though, like he's not eaten in forever!

Here is the best pics I could get today, this is of the worst eye.

I shot a video too of him eating but I can't upload it here.

You guys have a great night, and don't forget there's hope even when we think it's over!

It makes me feel so good for the awesome support that I got here, I can't thank all of you enough !

It's nice to have somewhere to come to talk to other chicken peeps, think my family and friends don't really get it, there's only so much you can get out of Facebook...

Rick is eating like a hoss this morning, he's got some making up to do for lost time.

Next thing we are waiting for is to hear him crow. We are surrounded by woods, out in the country, and we could hear other roosters crowing and it was heartbreaking thinking we'd never hear him do that. We honestly didn't think he'd even survive!

Think the crowing is right around the corner!
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Too bad I can't upload a video!

I was outside doing chores and I
heard a remote sound of crowing...I got my phone out to record and walked quietly to the coop, and what do you know, he was crowing!

Very weak sounding, but I'll take it!!!
He died 2 hours later, man that was awful...

On a much, much brighter note, Rick mated both of my hens yesterday several times!!!

We were in the pen/coop all day, so we saw it all
We are thinking it's a rat, whatever it was went underneath the fence and attacked, and went back out that way.

There was a lot of feathers, Rick's especially at that spot.

Now all the wire is buried big time, 2 feet into the coop. We still know anything can happen.

Is it normal for roosters to sleep with "chicks" like that?

Yeah, the hens are a lot more receptive to him now, one eye and all, lol .

I love him, and now I can pick him up and love him anytime. It's so funny though, when I put him down he grumbles and tries to act tough, like nobody saw that right?
hahaha! I've read about broody roosters, maybe he's becoming soft in his old age

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