Somebody shot my rooster in head with BB gun-need urgent advice please!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 4, 2014
I came out this afternoon and he was shot right above his ear. There's a clear entrance wound with a lot of swelling.

He's still alive and I'm trying to stop the bleeding.

Any advice, even though I don't even know why I want to save him, if I have to endure this heartache.

I do have pics but I'm so panicked right now I can't figure out how to attach.

If he does live, I'm selling my chickens.

I need urgent help again,

We are redoing the pen and coop, and the door came down on one of the silkie chicks and flattened him.

His intestines are hanging out of his rear, I pushed them part ways back in.

Is there anything to be done, I can do? I will look it up as soon as I have time.

Really thinking again chickens are just not for me.

I can't help with the prolapse, but I do want to address your last comment.

I just read this whole thread: you did an amazing job responding to both emergencies and you took action to improve safety. You have been attentive, caring, responsible, you have done more than many people would have, and you are actually learning and responding to challenges. And, of course, despite everything we do, life happens! Think of our forebears who had to do this without wire fencing, packaged nutritionally balanced feed, plumbed water, power tools, trail cameras, and BYC on the internet!

I cannot tell you what to do, but please consider that you have been traumatized. Give yourself some time and do not make a final decision for a month, at least...
You should consider getting a trail camera. I have one outside the coop keeping watch so I can see what is going on when I am not around. That's how I know a bobcat was coming around last spring (this camera is mounted on the coop, and I have another one looking at the coop) You'll be very surprised at what wildlife is around! I have a Browning model that cost less than $90. Knowing what you are up against is half the battle.

He just had an egg from my newest hen, 2nd one she's laid, and it was fertile...

That was the easiest thing by far that I've fed him, but it was raw, with the dropper.

He's sleeping now in my arms.

In my experience, small animals can astonish you by their will to live if you give them just a little bit of affection. Some people may disagree with me, but I feel he appreciates and understands your doting on him.

Here is a pic I shot right after I got the first dressing on him.

His name is Rick, after Rick James.
My old rooster Monk got old, I guess. He was probably twelve. I sat with him in the coop as he gave in. He was wrapped in a blanket. I was sitting on a little stool. But I held his, what do you call their hand? And every once in a while he squeezed my hand. I just wanted him to know I was still there for him. He was the best. I miss him. He would have loved this spring.

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