Somebody shot my rooster in head with BB gun-need urgent advice please!

Yay, he's fine! Go Rick!
His head wound looks so much better. Amazing! You really did a fabulous job caring for this rooster. Rick is back in the game!
It makes me feel so good for the awesome support that I got here, I can't thank all of you enough !

It's nice to have somewhere to come to talk to other chicken peeps, think my family and friends don't really get it, there's only so much you can get out of Facebook...

Rick is eating like a hoss this morning, he's got some making up to do for lost time.

Next thing we are waiting for is to hear him crow. We are surrounded by woods, out in the country, and we could hear other roosters crowing and it was heartbreaking thinking we'd never hear him do that. We honestly didn't think he'd even survive!

Think the crowing is right around the corner!
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Too bad I can't upload a video!

I was outside doing chores and I
heard a remote sound of crowing...I got my phone out to record and walked quietly to the coop, and what do you know, he was crowing!

Very weak sounding, but I'll take it!!!

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