Somebody shot my rooster in head with BB gun-need urgent advice please!

I read this whole thread and in the beginning I wasn't so sure that Rick was going to make it. But lo-and-behold he did and it was thanks to you and your husband's loving care, Rick's amazing will to live, and I believe all the prayers helped too! I'm sorry about the passing of your chick, I know how badly it hurts to lose one of our beloved pets.

I just want to say that I have a 2 yr. old rooster and a couple of 2yr. old laying hens and every night he cuddles with his girls on the nesting ledge of their coop. On the cold Winter nights he acts like their warm blanket and keeps them nice and warm. I've even seen him with his wings spread out to cover them better.
None of them will use their roosting bar and why should they, they are happy just the way things are. Now that it's warmer, they will sleep all together with just their sides touching each other.

I love my chickens too! I had to go into town today, and I just wanted to get back to the farm!

Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm hoping that this thread will let people know to not give up on a badly injured pet. I cried even 3 days into it because I was convinced he wasn't going to make it.

Heck, even last week when it was raining and cold, I got worried, so I hope people see the seemingly impossible is possible!
Where do you guys get the emoticons at, because they really make me smile!?!

Are they on the app? I've looked everywhere.

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