something an older person says about chickens

My husband's great aunt has told me the ppl she buys her yard eggs from (old pentacostal ppl) feed their hens FIRE CHEETOS to make them lay. Anyone heard this?
See wildsky there is still hope for you, you just have to move to SC


(there is hope in Maryland too
i realy thought about this topic figured it would take off but seems i was wrong . i guess to many older people on here took it the wrong way. come on people smile life is short enjoy it while ya can.
I guess the only one I can think of is that a blood spot in an egg means it was fertile. My father is a very smart man, and really not what *I* consider elderly (he's only 59) and I still had to educate him on this one.

His wife (who's.. 45) told me never to wear red around my chickens because they'll go into a feeding frenzy. Just for laughs I did it as soon as I got home.. and miraculously I'm still here to tell the tale
Actually, there was NO reaction from my girls except for "what?? did you bring any treats?", and the usual investigation of my boots.

Love the moonshine story!!

We will all get old. I'm 58 and feel the same way I felt at 28. For most of us, its all about how you feel mentally. Baring physical problems ( and I now have them) and taking care of those issues, I'm the same person at 58 as I was at 50, and I will continue with the same outlook on life as I get older.

I was racing my Porsche on the track at age 52 and still would be, but my eyesight isn't what is was then. I LOVE life, but we all get old and you deal with it. I miss driving at 140 mph, but know I can't now. My beloved car can, but I can not.

I have always loved geriatics, both humans and canines. I am just that way. An older being is not a problem, its just an adjustment for us to deal with in a loving way. Just know that all of us will be in the same boat sooner or later. You treat people, young or old as you yourself would like to be. Reasonable, works, so does caring. Just remember you will, at some point in your life be there too, old, and hopefully your family and friends and YOU, will understand and adjust accordingly.

The best to all,
May I suggest a really good read about old timers and chickens (and other animals too)?

E.B. White (author of Charlotte's Web) is so old that he's, well, dead. There is a wonderful book called "One Man's Meat" where he writes about life on his farm in Maine. Many of the articles in it were in the New Yorker in the late 30's and early 40's. He was around 40 then, about the average age of the people on the board!

I especially love when he writes about trying to keep his 200 chicks warm using a coal stove, and how they keep him up at night with worry. Also, about his decision to use electric lights in the coop, which he thinks is barbaric, but does it anyway because he worries that his hens can't see to eat! He shares our love and fascination with these creatures.

Anyway, the book is yummy. And who knows there may be some old wives tales in there.

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