Sometimes I prefer animal company rather then human company

certainly not. I get more than my fill of human interaction (and not the good kind) in my job. I love my rat dog (aka Bacardi the long coat chihuahua) and my chickens...they don't play mind games, and on top of that, they are EXCELLENT judges of character. If my animals don't like you, there is a darn good reason, and I don't take it lightly.
I have to have my animal time.







I have (and will) give up vacations to tend to our animals.Dh thinks it is crazy. I find them relaxing and they make me laugh. To often the people in our lives stress us out,but you can always count on the animals making you smile.
I don't think you're crazy at all! Animals make you feel good inside, and you can always count on them to make you smile!
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I walked out of a vet's office when he tried to have two vet techs wrap my very nice cat in a towel to give it a vaccination. The cat was hissing and clawing at him and I never went back there. I trust my pet's judgement more than people.
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I soo love the animals company more than people some times! My hubby and I love to just walk out to the pasture and watch the cows graze, our family thinks we're nuts but hey who isn't,lol. It is so peaceful just being around animals, and I find that when I am stressed and need time alone with God, the best place for me to find that is on the back of my horse enjoying His creation!

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