Sorry to intrude on the guinea fowl forum...

Quail Jailer

5 Years
Apr 30, 2014
But a friend from my church had two Guineas and one died, does the other "need" a Guinea friend or will the chickens be company enough for it to carry on OK?

The survivor is still quite young I think maybe 4-5 weeks.

Thanks in advance!
I am still trying to figure out how to post to a general thread or message. I was given 15 guinea chicks this week. I have other chickens. Silkies, turkins, I think that's spelled correctly. And some others that I'm not sure of yet. I'm new at all this. Good luck with yours. I'll be watching to see what others advise about a friend.
Guineas are really flock birds and do best with several of their own kind, as they will all like to do the same things aka chase each other around in a swarm...

They will interact with chickens and other birds but it's not the same type of interactions they do with each other, also you might find the lone one 'bored' and taking his/her frustrations out on the chickens by plucking feathers, or just all around being a bully, they do this anyway but I have seen it to more of an issue with lone Guineas...

But, of course every bird has it's own personality, so your mileage will vary...
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Thanks, with your blessings I am going to copy and paste your reply into an e-mail for her.
From everything I've read, Guineas really need their own kind. After all, they are not chickens, though they can co-exist with chickens. What's different about guineas is that they take being a flock member to a whole new level. They often move about as a group of guineas, not as individuals.

I sadly lost one of my Guineas recently I had 2 adult ones that had been together from day one, a male and a female and when my male was killed I was devastated as was my female guinea and sure she had ducks and chickens to hang out with but its not the same, she needed one of her own, so I found her another male counterpart and she is happy and they hang together all the time-They are a flock bird and do much better in the company of their own. It was love at first site, as soon as I released the new man in the paddock she was sooooooo curious and he was slightly timid, but within a few hours it was like they had always been together and the best thing is he has settled in beautifully with all my lock and she is happy! :)

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