Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

She's a hen. She hasn't been wormed recently. I've got Ivermectin pour-on for cattle (I put a few drops on her neck) and Wazine that goes in the water. Could worms make her hold liquid in her crop? I can worm her tonight with the Ivermectin if you think it will help.

A turkey hen or a chicken hen?
I'm guessing chicken...because the the turkey question was posted by Dragon Lady.
She's a hen.  She hasn't been wormed recently.  I've got Ivermectin pour-on for cattle (I put a few drops on her neck) and Wazine that goes in the water.  Could worms make her hold liquid in her crop?  I can worm her tonight with the Ivermectin if you think it will help.


I suspect the water in her crop is secondary to something more serious further in. The yellow colored poop is not normal. How thin is she? Can you post a picture of her?

She is a chicken. And she is really thin since she hasnt been able to pass much from her crop in weeks. Ive got some tetramaicyn and will try that next. I wormed her last night. Sometimes the poop is yellowish but sometimes it is more clear. The monistat isnt doing much. I forcefeed her but then is never gets out of the crop. She is well hydrated but thats about it. Nothing is helping her.
I don't think its bloated. Its hard to tell because there is still meat left in her butt area but nothing in the breast area. But on her left side, near the back, near where the leg attached, it feels like there is sand/grit or something rough but not jagged in whatever is there (maybe intestines?). Its not on the right side in the same place. Does that sound normal? If the area were bloated, what would that indicate?

Would this be just as true for a turkey? I'm still new at raising my feathered kids. The worst thing I've had to deal with is deworming, which went really well. I've been googling stuff but things contradict and I'm concerned that I'm reading the correct thing.

I do have another question. My turkey hen, Priscilla, is eating, drinking, squaking (LOL), being her normal bitchy self. She's the queen diva. I've treated her once now with one round of the generic monistat. (And now she is sooooo mad at me. Oh, does she let me know) So, how do I tell with a turkey if it is getting back to normal. I feel my male's crop and his feels good and solid, but her's, especially now since it was bloated for a while, has stretched. (Think saggy boobs. sorry, only way I can think to describe it.) It still feels kind of squishy. She's pooping but sometimes it is a pile of water with pellety type material, and sometimes its a pile of puddly green smooth goo. But she is eating and drinking and being normal. There's no discoloration in her waddle or face. No demeanor change. She's not lethargic or droopy.

I just feel so dumb.
Hey guys, I just want to say that we tried the Monistat and that seemed to help for a while....then it came back so we tried the vomit and that helped for a while. We've been feeding banana to our big guy and Priscilla started getting interested in it again. So, we've been giving her some. And over the last week, her crop has been going down and getting much much better and she's back to behaving normal. So, you think it's the potassium?
I know that this is an old post but I am looking for someone to give me advice on vomiting a chicken. I have an older hen with sour crop. I cannot get her to vomit. Tried holding her by her feet and tilting her in my arms. Do I need to stretch out her neck? I confess that I am feeling timid about the whole process. Afraid that she is not going to live much longer if I don't empty her crop. Vet is not an option.
I know that this is an old post but I am looking for someone to give me advice on vomiting a chicken. I have an older hen with sour crop. I cannot get her to vomit. Tried holding her by her feet and tilting her in my arms. Do I need to stretch out her neck? I confess that I am feeling timid about the whole process. Afraid that she is not going to live much longer if I don't empty her crop. Vet is not an option.
Welcome to BYC! I have no experience doing this, so can't offer any advice.


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