South Carolina

Nice! He looks so happy! Both of them actually.
6 beautiful chicks
Please post pic soon.

If and when
I need more silkies, I will either go to Susanne's or Mary Robbins in Ga (if she would do pick up).
Those are the two best sources I know within driving distance. I have been
over Susanne's lavenders.
I just don't have the room or the energy to build another pen now. I am still sore for the one I built this past week.
Hopefully, I will be raising some nice ones next spring/summer.

Lauren do I remember you looking for bb red OE? If so, I found a local contact for you.

Yes Mary I am looking for a bb red OEGB hen/pullet..or a couple of them. I want to add to my pair I have.
I so love my little Wyandotte! I so hope she/he makes it to adulthood. She is the only one in that pen of silkies that seems to be having problems with cocci--isn't it strange that the ones we like have problems. She is eating good today and preening again so I think she is OK--notice I am calling her a she--wishful thinking!

I hope she does ok too. Is she pretty dark in color? They are like my cuckoo marans as far as color goes. The darker ones are hens, the roos are a little lighter in color.

Really? I think she/he/it is pretty dark in color! I hope it is a hen!! Of course it thinks it is a silkie!

Jealous of those who are getting eggs. I told my husband I'm about to burn down my chicken house because I have a bunch of useless birds. Nothing since August and I have an everlasting case of cocci whether it be mild or heavy...I swear to goodness.
I feed them primarily the purina chicken feed. Yesterday I noticed my face serama losing weight in the face and looking pale. I think he came across cocci at some point. They had a hearty meal of canned puppy food just now.
For a laugh....

I was telling my DD about how I found out there are Bantam Size Ameraucanas and they lay tiny blue eggs but I really didnt want to add another breed to which she replied( HERES THE ENABLER PART).... " well technically they are the same breed ,just smaller"

I have tooo much help with the chicken addiction from people who do not help with chicken chores!!

So nice to have enablers! At least mine helps me right now while he isn't working........sometimes. I sure will miss the help when he goes back to work though. He thought of 3 new breeding pens I needed today and I gave him a dirty look. More work for me!

I got a new egg today. I am pretty sure it is from a blue hen that is supposed to be an Olive Egger. However, it was a tan egg and the only other one in that pen that could have laid it was a Langshans pullet. She doesn't have a big red comb so I doubt seriously it was her. The others are dark egg laying Marans and mature. I know all their eggs so it had to be one of these girls.
Oh well, the blue girl will look pretty in my free range flock even if her eggs are brown. I have her tagged as out of my Ameraucana blue hen and my Golden Cuckoo roo I sent to IL a few months ago. We have been big chums the whole time she has been growing up. She used to ride on my shoulder as I did chores but now she is a big 8 lbs and too heavy and big so just enjoys her petting and kisses every day. I sure was hoping for more Olive Eggers though.
Back to the breeding, drawing board.

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