South Carolina

I didn't know there was an egg dance! Such fun! I liked what Amy said but I also did not know it was 4 yo. I am glad that you have made a decision and won't be in limbo!! And yay for still being available if the kids need you, for the farm and for swap preparation! I texted you back about the roo. Maybe I can go with you to Amy's farm the next time you go--get a tour and drop off a roo!!
Neato Torpedo! That is too cool! He will change a lot but now is when he is super dooper pretty and should be photographed for his new home. Of course, he will be gorgeous later, too but when they are little they have that cutie pie look wrapped in an adorable package.

And why does that look like snow in the photo with him? Did you take him skiing?
HAHAA that's the blue slate around my pond....Thinks he's got a new home(Not sure of their outcome) Yes I have Two of these Roo's. I call them Shadows they never leave each others side.
My silkies are getting big! I had to move them into an old hutch several feet off the ground because of all this heavy rain. You can see by their dirty feet that I didn't do it fast enough
They're so sweet. They're getting to enjoy petting and holding, and a few will hop onto my arm when I open the hutch door. Oh, and the six silkie eggs are due to hatch this weekend

Just checked, and my laced half LF/half bantam hen hatched out 2 eggs, and the other 3 are pipping (from what I could tell from my quick glimpse, mom pecks HARD)! They resemble their SLW dad when he was a chick, but with a heck of a lot more brown than gray fluff, and they appear to have a rose comb. So excited to see what their adult feathering will be!

pic of mom and dad link, about halfway down the page
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Okay! I plan on it every Sunday but then Terry comes up saying they have to work on Sunday but then they do not so I am thinking someone is not wanting to process this meat. We actually can do it very quickly so I do not understand his hesitation.
Maybe this Sunday?
It seriously needs doing as I have several roosters and ducks that are eating more than I need to shell out in money.
Okay! I plan on it every Sunday but then Terry comes up saying they have to work on Sunday but then they do not so I am thinking someone is not wanting to process this meat. We actually can do it very quickly so I do not understand his hesitation.
Maybe this Sunday?
It seriously needs doing as I have several roosters and ducks that are eating more than I need to shell out in money.
you have my number, call or text me and let us know.
Okay! It will probably be Sunday unless something else comes up. I will let you know for sure on Sat. Probably be around noon or early afternoon, whichever is good for you guys.
OK, I am looking for advice/insight/experiences/something...I have one styrofoam Hovobator with turner I incubate in that runs a steady 99-100 with good humidity. I pencil date my eggs and also mark a calendar and am careful on timing. I hardly open it till I need to move eggs to hatch. I have an LG styrofoam I transfer on day 18 to hatch. The LG runs a steady 100-101 and 65% humidity. When I transfer the eggs to hatch in the LG I do not open/fiddle until there are chicks dry (about 12-20 hours later) to remove them. I do candle during the "move" and see great development, good air sac, and movement.

My problem...I get maybe 40% hatch rate...and especially I have BB Ameraucana Roo over 2 Blue Splash Hens that have a great thick shell...these especially are difficult to hatch and I am so frustrated with my problem of getting great % of pipping out of these and then they just stop...they will rock just a little with noise/light stimulation...but just stop and die in shell...after 20-30 0r more hours of being pipped...Whats up??? I have tried "helping" after a day or two of them being pipped but this always ends terribly!!! I leave them also and eventually they just die with a great pip hole...not drowning and not shrink wrapping (until they lay there days at least)....any ideas?

This has went on for many frustrating to get the babies this far to keep having these just quit.die at pip....

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