South Carolina

You should hear Kris and Robert's story about the pile of Guinea eggs that they almost regret rescuing.

Good luck with the new baby.
Yes, we have a story. Our wonderful guinea hens started sitting on a clutch of eggs, now at first it was 1 guinea, then 2 guinea, then 3 guinea hens. Now the other 4 guinea hens continue to lay their eggs on the nest that was being sat on, by the 3 other hens.
Well somewhere around the 3rd week, then hens decided they had had enough of that sitting in one place and all 3 hens abandoned the nest.
Now there was a clutch of about 40 eggs. Of course none were dated, as who is going to steal eggs from a sitting hen.
SO after 2 days we were sure those hens had enough and were not comming back. Now, there were 40 eggs that had been developing, what were we to do. Robert decided to candle each one. IF they had movement, they went to the incubator. Well, you guess it, about 30 were moving. So off to the incubator, with no idea which ones were the oldest.
So every day we candled each of those eggs.
About 10 of them quit developing, but the rest kept growing. We have been hatch from that clutch for the past 2.5 weeks. We still have 2 to go. So far all of them have hatched we have only 2 more to go.
So that is our guinea hen story. SHame on them, they should be better mothers then that

Anyone need some coral blue guineas ???
Are you located in or near the CSRA, Augusta, GA/Aiken, SC metro area? Do you want to have an active role where you "Encourage, Promote, Protect, & Advance the interest in hobby farming"?? Then you should look into joining our NONPROFIT: Hobby Farmers Association of the CSRA. We concern ourselves with everything from gardening and goats, to chickens, cows, rabbits, ducks, & aquaponics (raising fish). All membership dues and donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Membership is open to any hobby/backyard farmer or gardener, full- or part-time farmer, and anyone else wanting and willing to help others and themselves become more self-sufficient.

Why should you join HFA of the CSRA?
1. Discounts at select feed stores
2. Support from local farming communities
3. Discounts at HFA sponsored events
4. Unlimited learning opportunities
5. Legislative support and protection

What have we accomplished?
1. Farm/Animal sitting
2. Livestock predator control and removal
3. Building projects
4. Animal heath recovery

How much is a membership?
1. Adults (18+)....$20
2. Juniors (13-17 yrs old)....$10
3. Family (includes kids 12 yrs and younger)....$30
4. Corporate Sponsorships....$50

For more information, visit our website at

Check us out on Facebook!! Search "hobby farmers association of the csra"
FarmerJohn-is that yearly dues? Do any of the meetings get scheduled for weekends?
Quote: Save me about 5! I know we will see each other again soon enough. Or let me know if I need to drive down to get them. I am sure I won;t have enough here to make a decent breeding pen unless the boys will lay me some eggs!

Love that story though! Lotsa abandoned eggs that have hatched like mad. Hopefully you will have them all sold before Chickenstock or all the way up there you will hear peeps from turkeys and keets!
Quote: Might have to change his name to Traveling Man! He hatched here and lived for about a year, then went to Kris and Roberts for a while and now is back here, getting ready for show season and may go back to Kris and Roberts next spring for more lady love. He sure is a handsome and he knows it.

Patsy, be sure to join us at Chickenstock to look for some birds. Also, there is a lady in Greer that raises them named Luann Keller. She usually takes some to shows. She used to be on here but I haven't seen her in a long while.
Might have to change his name to Traveling Man! He hatched here and lived for about a year, then went to Kris and Roberts for a while and now is back here, getting ready for show season and may go back to Kris and Roberts next spring for more lady love. He sure is a handsome and he knows it.

Patsy, be sure to join us at Chickenstock to look for some birds. Also, there is a lady in Greer that raises them named Luann Keller. She usually takes some to shows. She used to be on here but I haven't seen her in a long while.
Oh Yes Amy, dear Napolean/Toby needs to return here after his showing season. I love that little dude. HE definitly knows how handsome he is, so full of himself. Of course his lady is always welcome back here with him if you need her to come, she is a sweetie.

Will definitly save you 5, pairs right
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It has been a really long time since I have been on here but here I am! I sure miss you guys! I have not been getting any notices from BYC even when I get on and check on threads. Not sure what I have done to make them stop....

Anyway, Love the guinea story and boy can I relate! If anyone needs guinea keets in this part of the world let me know--we have about 100 keets here of different ages and 60 more eggs in the incubator. Will these girls ever stop laying? We have been very blessed to have sold a great many of the guinea's eggs this summer. I am so tired of packing and shipping eggs though!

Well, hopefully I get time to read back through the thread on what I have missed but right now I need to go deal with a deal gone wrong on eBay. Something I purchased not sold! What a pain to deal with people on there....


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