South Carolina

Well I bought some sevin dust and some flea spray and some pine shavings for the bedding. I put the ivermectin on yesterday. I took out all the bedding and the wood egg box. I put in fresh new stuff. I added de. I will use the sevin tomorrow if I still see activity. I worry a little about the sevin and the possible baby chicks but again I would rather keep my hen than worry over baby chicks that may not even hatch. Thanks!! Is the sevin toxic or dangerous??
Well I bought some sevin dust and some flea spray and some pine shavings for the bedding. I put the ivermectin on yesterday. I took out all the bedding and the wood egg box. I put in fresh new stuff. I added de. I will use the sevin tomorrow if I still see activity. I worry a little about the sevin and the possible baby chicks but again I would rather keep my hen than worry over baby chicks that may not even hatch. Thanks!! Is the sevin toxic or dangerous??
I'm not sure about the Sevin with baby chicks since I've never used it on or around little bitties. They say to try to keep from breathing in too much of the Sevin and to try not to your chickens breath it in so don't put tons of it around the face area or maybe use a wash cloth or something to cover her head. I've had a chicken with face mites before and read that you can put vaseline on their face/wattles/comb to smother the mites out but the Sevin and Ivermectin seemed to take care of it fine :)
Well she does not seem to have any active mites on her today so maybe the ivermectin kicked in. I have not used the other stuff yet but i have it. If I had seen more today I would have done more. I will take it day by day. I am not even sure any chicks are going to hatch. She collected 4 eggs over 3 days ... at least one of them is from my other hen. She started on a Wednesday. Do broodies take longer than the bator? I feel bad for my broody ... she was not going to abandon her eggs no matter what!
Moved the calf's body out yesterday. The mother was still standing with it, and after she took it she searched for it for hours. Today she still kept looking around and bellowing, which is rare for her as she is mostly silent. Her udders look so painfully huge and tight. We milked off some today to relieve her. The people we bought our cows from, the Fehrs, have been looking for orphan calves for us, but none have been found. We may go to the Saluda auction Monday, they usually have days-old jersey or holstein bulls for cheap. The calf wouldn't be very useful to us (we raise beef) but it would give the mother something to focus on.

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