South Carolina

Florence here! I raise several breeds of brown egg layers to sell a few eggs and share a few with friends and family. I also enjoy hatching chicks and have 13 new ones that are a week old and 34 eggs in the bator. Some are prue breed RIR's and others are crossed. RIR Roo with White Rock, Black Australorp and Silve Laced Wyandotte Hens. Should give me some Red Stars and Black Cross Layers. Be gald to share and swap with you guys in SC. Maybe we could even orgainze a swap to trade chickens, eggs ect. I am a banker by day and a chicken farmer at heart. Great stress relief for me to work with chickens. Look forward to talking with you all.
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I never mentioned where I am !

I am near Greenwood, SC. I hope the list gets longer.

I think meeting to have a swap, or just to chat would be neat !

I only have one chicken right now, but, Nadine is helping me remedy that next Tuesday.
I can't wait to get the rooster, my hen has never even seen
a rooster. It should be interesting when I get him home !

So, it may be a while before I have anything to swap....

But, I am working on it
It would be neat to organize a swap or a meeting but we are all over SC and sometimes it is hard for us to leave the chickens for a day. If I lived in the middle of the state I would have a big get together at my farm but being up next to the NC line, I doubt the ones on the coast would want to travel that far.

I really don't have much to swap. I'm always trying to sell my roos because I always seem to have too many! I swear that is all that hatches and I just hate putting them in the freezer. Not that some don't taste very good but we just hate killing and cleaning. (Yes, we are wussies but we do it.)

At this point in time I do not have anything on my wish list but that doesn't mean it won't change. I really like being able to have chickens that others want or need. I'm working on it but the cold makes it hard for me to build any more pens right now. This weekend is supposed to be in the 60's so DH is planning on starting more tractors that are large while I plan on building a few small ones.

Maybe I can build a few small tractors to sell. I love to build and am getting a bit better. One thing for sure with mine, very predator proof and they won't blow away!

Oh and my more exact location is north Greer between Greenville and Spartanburg.
Nadine sounds like you will have a busy but fun and productive weekend. I have found an old awning framework made of lightweight aluminum tubing that is 6 ft wide, 5 ft high and 18ft long. I am planning to get it home by the weekend and turn it into a lightwieght movable run for some of my new flock members. It should work great covered with wire and will save me a bunch of money on materials for sure. I may try to share some photos along the way. I swear I can't pass by anything these days without thinking,"How can I use that for my chickens?" When I saw this old awning framework it was a no brainer for a nice long run.

Talk soon...
Hi! I'm from Columbia!

I've got 6 chickens right now but I'm expecting babies next week! What started out as "Hunny, I really need 4 chickens" is turning into "I really need 18!" LOL!

The way my kids eat I might need 20 more just to keep up with demand!
Travelers Rest here!!!!!

I have 3 Pekin duck, Sassy, Whitie and Andie. They are spolied! They needed extra attention the other day, and guess what they did??? they found my goldfish pond and eat my 10 little goldfish!!!!!! yeah that sure did get them some attention!!!!!!

Don't have any chickens right now, just talked to a buddy and he will be giving me some at spring!!! Can't wait
. Right now I have 4 pekin eggs in the bator( very first try) I hope they will come out right, seeing how i made the bator HOMEMADE, and lots of research on the web.

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