South Carolina

Holli, What are those boxes? Can you cut into them for ventilation? Great find! What are your plans for your chickens? A laying flock? Breeding? I think that will kind of shape how you place your chicks together. Best wishes!
They are testing boxes for machines at one of our plants. They are insulated, have lighting already installed, and are insulated. They have ventilation, but I will probably add more. I want to add siding, and they are so cute up on their stands.They were abandoned in a semi out back. If I come across more, I will let yall know. There were 6 inside and an engineer took two for his work, we are getting the other 4, but one is kind-of dented up.
I think I will take leirob007's advice and keep my australorps separate and keep a mixed flock in my established coop, not sure about who to put in the others, I guess my extra chick roos will need to go in one before the fridge (
but for the record, I DO love them too) All help is welcome in the renevation of these boxes
but I may have to wait for next week...the Chateau is calling my name!!
I think I will take leirob007's advice and keep my australorps separate and keep a mixed flock in my established coop, not sure about who to put in the others, I guess my extra chick roos will need to go in one before the fridge (
but for the record, I DO love them too) All help is welcome in the renevation of these boxes
but I may have to wait for next week...the Chateau is calling my name!!

I may be able to help you some next week. Just let me know when you were thinking of working on them and I'll see if I'm available around school and gym trips
Someone is going to take my advice? Get the cameras ready. there has to be a disaster in the making. If you want to do something with the RIR's later on give me a shout. My incubator is running full blast trying to fill orders. ( I already need 52 pullets and only have 43 eggs set. but setting more tomorrow. )

I think I will take leirob007's advice and keep my australorps separate and keep a mixed flock in my established coop, not sure about who to put in the others, I guess my extra chick roos will need to go in one before the fridge (
but for the record, I DO love them too) All help is welcome in the renevation of these boxes
but I may have to wait for next week...the Chateau is calling my name!!
Someone is going to take my advice? Get the cameras ready. there has to be a disaster in the making. If you want to do something with the RIR's later on give me a shout. My incubator is running full blast trying to fill orders. ( I already need 52 pullets and only have 43 eggs set. but setting more tomorrow. )
If you are married, you may want to print that out for proof at a later date.!


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