South Carolina

My rooster has started hunting my dogs...I can handle if it doesn't like me, but my dogs have been taught NOT to hurt the chickens(well alittle to well)... I watched the rooster stalk my little dog Phoebe. then chased her.
Here's the Rooster Promethus beautiful EE, If anybody wants to add a little blue and red to your EE flock PLEASE let me know.
He was so sweet he is good to his flock of ladies, but hates me and my dogs.

Here's the other Roo that's SO FAR nice, well its chicken raised so it doesn't know human interaction. And steers clear from me and the dogs.

The question is Keep the old Roo, or just get rid of it...
BUT there are others....EE's I'm pretty sure I got atleast one roo in this batch

OH what to do......I wished I could find the first roo a good home, keep the second roo...til one of this babies grow up...
AND now HERE's the SILKIE!!!
it's in their dust bathing dish in the tractor
and the other chick is the yellow EE hatched out.(I think it may be a roo also wished not but I think it may be) it's fighting a respirtory infection right, hope it does ok!!

OH what to Do...Crazy Chickens!!!!
Oh what a cutie boy! My Blue Amer attacks me but not my puppy...YET! LOL He doesn't go after anyone else but me and always when my back is turned! The scoundrell! I wouldn't mind having him for my EE ladies, Yancey...but I don't have a pen for them yet. They are in with my Black Copper Maran man and his ladies...I can tell the eggs apart so that seemed a logical place...LOL
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We have chickens!!! Picked up the chicks yesterday, and they made it through the night! I was nervous with it being cold and wet, but they just cuddled up and slept the night through. First pic of Blue and Lucy this morning (the kids named them)!

congratulations!! They are adorable!

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