Sparrow eggs in the tropics


5 Years
Jul 11, 2014
I'm in a bit of a situation. My friend works at our local fire department and I guess there were a bunch of sparrow nests they had to remove because all the sparrows were pooping on everything and causing trouble attacking the fire fighters, pooping on them whenever they walked by etc. so long story short I'm stuck with about 30 sparrow eggs in my incubator . Does anyone have the temp required for sparrow eggs, how often to turn them, and when to stop turning? Any info on incubating , hatching, and raising is submitted I would really appreciate it.
And get ready for round-the-clock hand-feedings every couple of hours. Raising altricial birds (such as finches, parrots, etc.) from the egg is NOTHING like raising precocial birds (such as chickens, ducks, geese, etc.). Honestly, the kindest thing would have been to just toss the eggs. Chances are, those which hatch will be far more than those which survive to maturity. And dying before hatching is less cruel than hatching them and having them die from "mistakes" you make figuring out how to raise 30 baby sparrows from the egg.
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Rosa you are awfully negative. Some people dont mind those things or those odds, when they think they can make a difference. You can discourage without being so harsh. The job is not impossible, and if she wants to take it on...why not?

Stuckonanisland-if u get these to hatch...message me privately and I will give u a formula recipie for feeding them. Their dietary needs are much different from a cage bird of any kind...but u can do it if u try. First week is every 30 minutes...
Rosa you are awfully negative. Some people dont mind those things or those odds, when they think they can make a difference. You can discourage without being so harsh. The job is not impossible, and if she wants to take it on...why not?

Stuckonanisland-if u get these to hatch...message me privately and I will give u a formula recipie for feeding them. Their dietary needs are much different from a cage bird of any kind...but u can do it if u try. First week is every 30 minutes...

You call me negative for discouraging the attempt, and I'll call you cruel for encouraging it. If only one hatchling dies, that's still more suffering than 30 eggs not being incubated -- even if it does mean someone doesn't get the chance to "try and beat the odds." We're not talking about saving babies -- we're talking about deciding to make babies that need saving.
Well I've raised baby lovebirds and have done just fine! I just wanted to know if the requirements were any different and it turns out no. The only difference is that sparrows are carnivores and lovebirds are herbivores. And I'm happy to say that I candled them with a brinsea candler and every single one has a heartbeat! Thank you all for your advice and I will privately message you pictures, thank you!

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