Special needs chickens contest

He is about 6 months old now and resides in the house with a diaper. I am not the chicken diaper kind of guy but this has been an extremely interesting learning experience for me. I knew chickens were intelligent but he is much more so than what I thought. He can drink but has to be tube fed. He is also voiceless. He peeped as a chick but now only goes through the motions of vocalizing. I am going to take some new photos of him.
I'm thinking New Year's Eve. I'm thinking about coming up with prizes, but I don't know when I'll find time before Christmas to do that.
He is about 6 months old now and resides in the house with a diaper. I am not the chicken diaper kind of guy but this has been an extremely interesting learning experience for me. I knew chickens were intelligent but he is much more so than what I thought. He can drink but has to be tube fed. He is also voiceless. He peeped as a chick but now only goes through the motions of vocalizing. I am going to take some new photos of him.

I remember him from another post. I'm so glad he's still doing ok. And yes, we need new pics!
Ah yes redcatcher, there is a special place in heaven for you!
yes, new pics please.
He is about 6 months old now and resides in the house with a diaper. I am not the chicken diaper kind of guy but this has been an extremely interesting learning experience for me. I knew chickens were intelligent but he is much more so than what I thought. He can drink but has to be tube fed. He is also voiceless. He peeped as a chick but now only goes through the motions of vocalizing. I am going to take some new photos of him.
Well it started a few months ago when I found this lil Polish under a snow drift. She was under 16 inches of snow for I dont know how long. I put her in the hen house and it was so so cold. She was under light and the next day she looked fine so she went in with the other girls. I noticed she was sitting at feed time and not interested so I just figured she was not hungury. Next day still same spot so I picked her up and she cried but I saw nothing. Put her in the chick pen with light and fed and watered her and she ate and drank. I never saw her move. I picked her up and the skin on the feet slimed off. It dawned on me they were froze in the cold. I thought maybe she would be ok. I babied her several times a day with love and food> She stopped crying and seemed to love the chicks attention. I noticed she was able to stand and move when needed. I went out one day and picked her up and the 1 leg was dangling clear up 2 inches to the top of the leg. I cut it off. It looked good and clean and dry. The other leg I think the toes will go any day. Poor girl. I was gonna put her down but she was not crying and loved her place now. I found a syringe holder and slipped it over the nub and it now gives her balance. She moves with the wings and a cane and is able to do more than shuffle now. When the other toes on teh other foot come off I will be making new feet for this girl. this is week 1

this is now

She is a champ!
I don't have any pictures yet; but I have a guinea with crooked feet (though she gets along fine,) and also a rooster blind in one eye from fighting, (also gets along fine.) Then, I have another rooster that was blinded by wounds when fighting out in the woods; and his skin simply grew over his eyeballs. He's currently staying in my room because of the weather, and eats and drinks by sound, and by direction.

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