Special Treats!!

White rice,Peas,Watermelon my girls are crazy for that!
And cannelope.There r many more things.Corn bread,bread maybe usaully bread makes them FAt! It depends on what TYpe of bread.Stew.Eggs.Lol! And Brocili Coliflower.Carrots.And thats all i can think of!
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White rice,Peas,Watermelon my  girls  are crazy  for that!:drool And  cannelope.There  r many more things.Corn bread,bread  maybe  usaully bread  makes them FAt! It depends on  what TYpe of bread.Stew.Eggs.Lol! And Brocili Coliflower.Carrots.And thats all  i can think of!

Be careful with bread, that can impact their crops which can be fatal.
PLEASE check http://ferndalechickens.com/plants-toxic-to-chickens/ I almost gave my 'Ladies' some wild cherries off of a tree I trimed at work. My husband said I should research first, I was so glad I did! I do give themm the little red "strawberries" that I find in my yard and at work. OMG!! I swear its like 'catnip' for chickens! My Ladies go BONKERS over them, and get after me when they've ate them all.
Also, regarding bread, it is filling and doesn't provide the nutrients chickens need for proper growth. A little bit of bread now and then won't hurt them. I also would not feed them donuts. My treats are spinach, tomatoes, grapes, plain yogurt, eggs, cooked chicken, other veggies (but those are their favorites) and cooked chicken causes frenzy.
i feed my flock meal worms/ scratch grain/ crickets from the bait shop or pet store are super cheap! and also lots of veggies cracked corn/ stale bread/bagels frogs i find around my house and grasshoppers when i catch them.
My three gold bantoms love corn, bread, and they practically destroy water Mellon within a few minutes. Rescued a little hen that fell out of a tyson truck yesterday night. She had bleeding in her mouth and we figured that she had some internal damage. She is okay but is a little bloody around one eye that stays shut. Don't know what she likes.:cd:idunno

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