Special Treats!!

When mine are still in the brooder, I put a cob of corn in with them. At first they size it up suspiciously and then they devour it. Scrambled eggs and cat food ( fish variety ) are favorites .
Ours love anything I am trying to grow!
Also Raisins, and corn on the cob, Yoghurt, Hoppers from the pet shop in the winter are good.
Ours love cracked corn, watermelon, grapes. Pretty much any fruit so far. Its been really hot here so I've been freezing the watermelon rind and giving them that frozen. But the beak down favorite treat is SCRAMBLED EGGS!
Your mother and your entire family will have my prayers. My 78 year old neighbor was diagnosed 5 years ago with stage 4 panacreatic cancer and is in remission today. Never give up, never quit fighting.
My girls are loose in my garden so eat anything and everything. But they love mealworms, they follow me and try and peck at the tub. ( I use live ones not dried ) they also luv anything soft such as banana, grapes, tomatoes, cucumber etc oh and for an unheathy treat they eat my little girls bread crusts and cake
When we make soy milk or almond milk, we give them the leftover pulp, they love it. Not sure it would be good to give it to them too often though. They seem to love anything starchy like cooked potatoes, rice or pasta. I also give them oats, raisins and any leftover vegetable trimmings and greens as a treat.
Mine like eating EVERYTHING! fish scales, fish, prawn shells, rice, oats, any vegetables, greens, and fruit. But they wont eat apples unless you hold it for them! I go blackberry picking and freeze some, when its hot i like to put a few frozen blackberries into a bowl of water and they go blackberry bobbing! They love it and it keeps them interested and cool. Also dandylion, is free and they love it!
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