Special Treats!!

My ladies LOVE Japanese beetles. I knock them of my crops into a mason jar with about 1 1/2 inches of water in it and after I have cleaned out the garden dump the jar out and watch the ladies go to town. It is like chicken popcorn! Plus there is the added bonus of lowering the beetle population, saving my plants and having the satisfaction of watching those garden destroyers get eaten! A Win win situation! they also like the June bugs and squash bugs.
My hens have just started to lay....very exciting.......but I gave them some apples cut in half and they only left the peel! I've tried a couple of things before, but think they were too young
My hens have just started to lay....very exciting.......but I gave them some apples cut in half and they only left the peel! I've tried a couple of things before, but think they were too young

I put the apple on the ground and stamp on it. Just got to be careful not to stomp on anyone's head when doing so. Apple seeds contain cyanide and can be harmful .
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[COLOR=3333FF]Hey everyone!!:frow I was wondering if there are any Special (healthy) Treats that I can give to hens? I know that some hens like watermelon...they also like wax worms...my hens go crazy for them :drool , but i was hoping for snacks that are cheep, healthy, and easy to find around the house. Please reply and give some good ideas for treats:) [/COLOR]

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