Spider plant killer!!


9 Years
Feb 2, 2010
I have no clue if any plants people on BYC but I have to post this. I am a Spider PLant KILLER!!! I love spider plants but for some reason I have no luck keeping them. I purchased a huge one last Sept and it was pot bound so I researced the plant and repotted it just as instructions from several web sites claimed was the best way to repot this plants. Well, the poor plant died in about three months. I had it hanging on the front porch and my mother sais maybe bugs got to it. So, I purchased another plant last month and this one is hanging in my house by the window and I see that many leaves have turned brown. This plant had just been soaked at the store so I did not water it until last week when the soil felt like it was drying out and then I only gave it a small amount of water. Today, the soil is still wet so I have not watered it. I am thinking perhaps the plant has gotten too much water. So, am I a plant killer or am I just doing everything wrong? Are there any Spider Plant lovers on BYC to help me if so please tell me how you keep them alive and growing.
the brown tips on the leaves means the plant is either too dry or have been exposed to direct sunlight. bright light is good, but not direct sunlight. they do not need repottin every year. only when the roots start to creep out of the pot. leaves should be misted with lukewarm water in the summer and it should be well watered when the soil is dry. in winter, water less. and i fertilize at least once a month with miricle grow. plants can survive several days with out water. i water mine once a week and times it's gone 2 weeks without water. you can allow soil to dry between waterings. i keep plants tips on all of my house plants so i can take care of them properly. almost everone in my family has this plant and no one puts it out the porch and they keep it out of direct sunlight but keep it in a bright location. i also cut the brown tips off my leaves. well good luck. i hope this helps.
Thank you! It seems that I am doing everything right then. Maybe the browning is from the plant being outside when I purchased it from the store. I have it inside now.
don't you hate that!

I've got a spider plant that is over 20 yrs old. I got it from a co-worker that retired in 1995, I've had it for 15 yrs. The pot hasn't got a drain hole. I only repotted it once! I have it in a North East window. I only water it when the leaves start to look dry. It's a big ol thing. I have a new plant that is doing really good after almost dying, too much sun outside in summer, then brought in for winter and I forgot to water them. I transplanted into a non draining pot, like you get orchids in, and have in a North west window, it's recoveing nicely. (I don't mist them or anything).

I think they like being pot bound and some moisture at the roots.

I have a couple corn plants I've had for 23 yrs, they were already 15 yrs old when I got them from a customer.

I've been through a bunch of other plants, but those 3 seem to keep hanging on!

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