Spirit - the amazing grey dewlap toulouse gander!

Well here are the pics of George. He actually let me get real close to him this morning.
So what do any of you think this could be. The only vet around that will see a goose is 3 hrs away.
Well, It appears to me to be excess abnormal beak growth. From a biological point of view, like with the african and chinese goose upper beak growth, this is not neccessarily a dangerous growth, unlesss 1) its causing discomfort 2) its imparing use of his beak, jaw, or neack and throat. 3)it's growing quickly and uncontrolled.

I would consult and vet. And I would also (cautiously) say that things like these have been used to change entire breeds, if bred for, but of course most will be of the opinion NOT to breed for this deformity. (unless your curious by nature - but be cautious here)
Thanks Marty, It doesn't seem to cause any issue's with him. It was my thought too as to not breed him either. How ever I am of the curious nature but I don't want to cause any biologic deformitys either just for fun. That just isn't right to the goose either. Thanks again for your input.
Well, It appears to me to be excess abnormal beak growth. From a biological point of view, like with the african and chinese goose upper beak growth, this is not neccessarily a dangerous growth, unlesss 1) its causing discomfort 2) its imparing use of his beak, jaw, or neack and throat. 3)it's growing quickly and uncontrolled.

I would consult and vet. And I would also (cautiously) say that things like these have been used to change entire breeds, if bred for, but of course most will be of the opinion NOT to breed for this deformity. (unless your curious by nature - but be cautious here)

Here is Spirit this evening, looking in much better weight and standing more balanced.
How is Spirit today? Hopefully doing good and improving each day!!!:hugs Yesterday it was 55 degrees and today it was only 22. Hope your weather is more stable then ours.
Yikes, that is some wacky weather. Do you get vicious winds too when you have those kind of 24 hour temp drops? It has been raining here today, which is crazy for this time of year, but I'm happy to have it. Spirit is doing well, thanks. He seems to get a little stronger each day, but it sure is a long-a** road until he is 100%. How's your group? Are they getting easier to herd into barn at night?
I am so glad Iian about Spirit!!!! Yeh we got some bad winds last night and not as much today. Last night only had trouble with the one that don't see so well. Tonite again he was alittle trouble but once they all started talking he went right in. I do know he don't see well as he was bumping into thier feeder after I had moved it. As long as he can find the food, water and not get tangled in to the fencing then all is well. He will stay here forever with George. They can just be in the gander pen with the call ducks. It is funny as they jsut move under him and every once in a while they give him a goose (haha) to move out of their way. Thank goodness for animal hummer as that is just what I needed tonite after a VERY STRESSFULL DAY. I actually nelt laughing my tail off.

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