Spring 2017 first timers post!

Glad to see someone else getting buckeyes, that's what I'm getting as well as a couple Easter eggers
Yes...the Buckeye's are the loudest of our bunch. I read that the roosters can actually sound like a dinosaur roaring!! But they are also most commonly less aggressive. They are mousers...the most catlike breed loving to go after the little critters. I look forward to seeing how my four display some of this unique breed's characteristics. They are mix of Black-Breasted Red Game male and Buff Cochin/Barred Plymouth Rock females. They are a free and strong spirited sort. This does not surprise me since they are the only breed created by a woman!! One of the unique qualities is that they do not feather pick each other...I will see about this first hand. Hard to believe this could be true...right?! Have fun with your Buckeye Peeps!
Yesterday my daughter and I moved the flow of our little tiny itsy bitsy creek so our coop, which is soon to arrive, will be on dry ground. The water was sort of oozing out all over the forest floor. We dug a little trench and built up the sides. It is all of a foot wide but when it rains it can cause a lot of water to flow through it. Our coop is supposed to be ready for pickup at Sears on March 9th. Then Gene and I will be putting the frame together first and seeing where it will sit the most level in our forest before we put it all together. I still have to get the hardware cloth and pavers for the floor. I am so excited to finally be getting chickens that will give us healthy eggs. Good eggs are such a good source of health. I will be adding some pictures later.
So happy my neighbors are friendly, my neighbor just doesn't want my silkie roosters going next door to breed with her red sexlink layer hens or bringing them back to my house but seeing as we have a massive fence separating our homes and my silkies couldn't fly to save their lives I don't think that would bean issue. The other neighbor actually wants to bring their grand kids over to see my silkies on Easter since I am doing a big egg hunt with the kids in our family and we are setting up a little petting zoo with the miniature horses, the silkies, and some bunnies my cousin in bringing (she has two pet rabbits). They also want to buy some farm fresh eggs once out chickens start laying and have given some interest that if we ever hatch out some silkies they are thinking about buying some chicks from us. They are in love with my cotton puffs but can you blame them? I walk all 4 around the yard on leashes....totally paranoid about hawks getting my silkies.
Hey guys, I just joined up to the forums and posted a new guy post in that forum when I saw this thread and figured I'd pop in and say hey since this is my first spring with chicks. I do a fair amount of gardening and wanted to move into some eggs on tap so we decided on chicks! We picked up 8 chicks from TSC on the third consisting of 3 Tetra browns, 3 leg horns and a pair of barred rocks and I guess that means we're doing the chicken thing now :)

I started building a coop last week and will be completing that in the next couple weeks while the chicks are in the brooder, My dog is completely and utterly infatuated with watching over the chicks as they tool around in the brooder and my daughters are loving the new additions too. My goal was to have 6 chickens so I bought 8 in case of a random rooster or an unhealthy bird so that I can end up with the 6 that I planned on when all is said and done, we have a friend with a flock of about 25 that said she will take any of the chickens we want to cull away and add then to her group. The more I think about it the more I think having 7 or 8 would be just fine as I watch these gals grow up! we shall see I guess :)

Now a few pictures of our little guys.

A picture from the first night with Loki peeking in at his new friends.

And a couple from my daughter who has been taking pictured for the last couple days, these are from this afternoon.

Hey guys, I just joined up to the forums and posted a new guy post in that forum when I saw this thread and figured I'd pop in and say hey since this is my first spring with chicks. I do a fair amount of gardening and wanted to move into some eggs on tap so we decided on chicks! We picked up 8 chicks from TSC on the third consisting of 3 Tetra browns, 3 leg horns and a pair of barred rocks and I guess that means we're doing the chicken thing now :) I started building a coop last week and will be completing that in the next couple weeks while the chicks are in the brooder, My dog is completely and utterly infatuated with watching over the chicks as they tool around in the brooder and my daughters are loving the new additions too. My goal was to have 6 chickens so I bought 8 in case of a random rooster or an unhealthy bird so that I can end up with the 6 that I planned on when all is said and done, we have a friend with a flock of about 25 that said she will take any of the chickens we want to cull away and add then to her group. The more I think about it the more I think having 7 or 8 would be just fine as I watch these gals grow up! we shall see I guess :) Now a few pictures of our little guys. A picture from the first night with Loki peeking in at his new friends. And a couple from my daughter who has been taking pictured for the last couple days, these are from this afternoon.
How fun! Welcome to the chick thing. XD you've got quite the nice bunch of gals. The barred are straight run, right? So maybe a roo or two?
Hi all. I am new to all this. We picked up 6 tetra brown pullets last Wednesday. Then here in MI we went through a cold snap. Today we got up to 39 degrees and I felt it was warm enough to clean their bedding. I had cleaned it once before but wanted to wait as it was s chilly. The chicks seems to be doing great however some of them have "pasty butts". I have checked their vents and they are clear but I don't want to pick off the poop as their tiny feathers and skin may come with it. I was offering them cold water and read this may cause it so I stopped. Also I have fed them some hard boiled eggs to help which I also read. Any suggestions or ideas how I can keep them clean or stop the "pasty butts"? I am so excited to have them and really enjoying the process so far. Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.
How fun! Welcome to the chick thing. XD you've got quite the nice bunch of gals. The barred are straight run, right? So maybe a roo or two?

They are all suppose to be pullets/female (excuse me if I am using the wrong term I am new to this ;) I really hope none of them are roosters especially the smallest barred rock as that one has a ton of personality!

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