Spring 2017 first timers post!

I know you said they weren't shipped but where did you get from I have heard of people having problems with one they got from Tractor Supply

I got them from a small hatchery, they either hatch themselves or for some breeds they source from breeders locally.

There's sooo many factors that it could be, it's so frustrating not knowing what to change.

This is my flock of pretty chickies they are a mixed batch BA some Buff orpingtons and what I suspect to be a male Easter egger, there bigger box comes into the workshop tommorow and they'll have more space to run and play (gonna make some roosting polls for it and put in some of the fresh long grass too) they are loving their time here 16 in total!
I wish I had the space to get as many as everyone that has 16 and 20 on up as is it is I already got more than allowed with the 8 that I have we are only allowed 3 but thats not enough for a family of 8 oursleves that eat breakfast for dinner once a week
I have not seen molt like that with broken feathers - is someone pecking at him? Or is he pecking himself? I've never had lice or mites but if it's that you should see them under the feathers. My birds' juvenile molt was full feather loss pretty evenly on back and neck.


10 week old RIR . Is this juvenile molt? Or is this lice/mites?
@MClucker I've not seen anyone pecking at her or her pulling out her own feathers. I'm gonna have to keep an eye on them to see what's going on. She is the only one out of 8 that has this. She's usually the first one in the coop at night and one of the first to eat or drink when I let them out in the morning. I don't think I've seen my chicks pick on one another. I may have to pull up a chair and watch them for a bit tonight to see what's going on. Thanks for you help!

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