Spring 2017 first timers post!

So...Last Saturday I purchased an 8-week old bluish black copper maran from a local farm. I noticed the next day that she has two toes webbed together completely to just before the talon. It doesn't seem affect her much beyond maybe making her a bit slower. Is there anything I can or should do about it?
@Wavechickens I have been seeing some feathers in the coop and in the run. Yesterday looked like her feathers were growing back in. I also sent these images to Kathy the Chicken Chick on FB. She sent me a link to her blog that said chickens go through a mini molt between 7-12 weeks old and that this is normal. I try to check on this pullet daily as I want to make sure she is getting her feathers back (and because I'm a helicopter chicken momma
) She does not wince or run away when i look through her feathers which is good. I also spent some time last night watching them and I didn't see any aggression from her or the other flock members. I will try to post this weekend once her feathers grow a little more. Maybe it will be a good thing to document the process.
Just gave my 2 week old chicks live mealworms. At first they were hesitant, but then chased each other all over the brooder if one got a worm in its beak. Best 3 minutes entertainment! Now it's nap time
Just gave my 2 week old chicks live mealworms. At first they were hesitant, but then chased each other all over the brooder if one got a worm in its beak. Best 3 minutes entertainment! Now it's nap time

Hahaha, I'm working up the courage to give my chicks live mealworms just for that moment they all decide they have to have the one in the other chicks beak!
I gave them some dandelions and cut grass(no chemicals) last night and my little Runty was running crazy in the brooder squawking the whole time. It's so fun to watch them scurry around (and shocking how heavy their feet sound!)
Love, love, LOVE having chickens!
First time poster, although I've stalked the forums for many months.

I got 8 chicks a month ago from a local feed store and they're growing fast! Tons of fun to watch and they love to eat out of my hand. Very curious too, they're always trying to escape the brooder. Here's a few photos along with the coop I built. I still have to finish the run (raining here and I need to trench down) but I'm thinking about moving them to the coop. I'm just nervous because of the cooler temps (esp at night).

The top photo is from today and the others are from when the chicks were younger. I'm sure there is a roo amongst them, I have a few suspects but I'm not 100% sure yet.





More fun and a warning! We took a small chick roost and added a 1/8" dia. wire, sharpened on one end, pushed it thru the middle of a ear of corn and put each end of the wire into a hole on the perch supports. No interest at first, very disappointing, BUT then I put a couple of meal worms on the corn and after one brave girl pecked once or twice it was game on. The entire gang attacked the corn and it was quickly stripped of the kernels, big fun. Will give them an ear about every other day, don't want them to lose their girlish figures, yet.

One warning for those like us that allow their chicks free run of everything. Both of us let the chicks run around on us, sit on our legs, arms, shoulders, head, anywhere they want. To protect from poop we put a towel on us and that was about it. BB was first and me second, chicks pecked both of us in an eye!!!! No physical damage but my eye is blood red, only a cosmetic problem. We should have known better, but - - -! We now wear glasses and are more careful.

Here is our corn holder/perch. Perch isn't getting much action as we have several other and larger perches available.

This is what happens when a nice piece of watermelon is presented to the girls!!!

Hahaha, I'm working up the courage to give my chicks live mealworms just for that moment they all decide they have to have the one in the other chicks beak!
I gave them some dandelions and cut grass(no chemicals) last night and my little Runty was running crazy in the brooder squawking the whole time. It's so fun to watch them scurry around (and shocking how heavy their feet sound!)
Love, love, LOVE having chickens!
Thats what happened when I gave them the bell peppers. It sounded like no no leave me alone go get your own piece sat there for a good min. watching them chase each other around for that one piece of pepper like it was the last piece or something.
Thats what happened when I gave them the bell peppers. It sounded like no no leave me alone go get your own piece sat there for a good min. watching them chase each other around for that one piece of pepper like it was the last piece or something.
Peppers and mealworms?? Huh. Is there a list somewhere of what treats I could give my babies? Right now they're just getting their food and water.

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