Spring Chicks vs. Fall Chicks?

I have done chicks all year round, but these darned hatch-a-longs happen then I want to join. Chicks in winter are the worst, but here I hatched in Dec, after telling myself not to, and I have eggs in incubator at the moment, but I think I will hatch and then pic through what I want, then sell some around Valentines. I also had a hatching window, and wanted to not have babies in the spring, summer incase I want to travel. In the winter we stay put.
I have 10 baby chicks rt now 5 hatched in October 4 hatched in Dec and 1 hatched a week ago and I have snow for weather.. yes I def think it is tougher in the winter because I have to keep them indoors for muchhhh much longer. I have a decent size pen in my spare bedroom for the bigger ones who don’t need the lamp and the brooder in my bedroom rt now (yes I’m very protective) yes it’s more work etc but it’s a short time when it comes to the big picture short part of my life I’m inconvenienced. Also being inside this long really gives me the chance to bond with them
Not sure I did best by buying the first hatch... tomorrow is the date.
I do not like the cold weather we are having. It could be warmer by Wednesday or Thursday. Today we are are having a dense dust storm.

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