"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Thank you for answering my thermostat question. My second post was just to let you know I would be gone, didn't know when my first post would appear, and didn't want you to think I was ignoring anyone's responses. Is there anything special I should do for blue eggs? Nothing's hatched here except under broody hens.
So.. I candled the eggs in the LG again, I've been feeling sick about it ever since that thermometer read 105. YES there are a few with bloodlines, many seem like they were clears or never started but there are actually quite a few that have little dancing baby chickens inside!!! I am so excited!
So.. I candled the eggs in the LG again, I've been feeling sick about it ever since that thermometer read 105. YES there are a few with bloodlines, many seem like they were clears or never started but there are actually quite a few that have little dancing baby chickens inside!!! I am so excited! 

:thumbsup yay! I love little dancing baby chickens!
One of the 3 broodys i was just complaining about got up tonight to roost with everybody else. I have been taking eggs out from under her at night, but there were still 30 eggs in the nest. I wouldnt have wanted to sit on that either. I left the 7 i wanted her to have in and stuck her back on the nest. She was too asleep to complain. Hope she sticks. She had been sitting for 3 days.

One of my 2 lavender cuckoo D'anvers pipped! Yay!

Hoping for more!

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