"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

hoping the others get in gear here, day 21 started at 7 am this morning

first one pipped and hatched about 4 hours ago, 37 still in the incubator

coffee nor gatorade is helping much, but watching like a hawk for temp spikes as thats what killed my last hatch as they were hatching
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My hatch today. Posted 20 eggs went to lockdown. Recounted 18 were good.

Hatched 16 so far.

11 royal palms.
1 narri cross
2 tri color mottled.

1 pipped and died.

1 I assisted he is still attempting to hatch.
Just a question, maybe ya'll would know the answer.
I love RIR as I grew up with them since I was little. The roommate works at the feed store & they got in the last shipment of standard sized Rhoade Island Reds for this season.
It looks like I'll be having to keep the banty mixed chicks I hatched out for my uncle
but the RIR are looking too good to pass up another year. I just love their personality. I think I have seen banty RIR. Does anyone know if the banty RIR have about the same kind of temperament the standard fowl do? I am not wanting some spazzy, flighty banty that hates people or it's own shadow.
I remember them being calm, sweet & liking people. A little uppity at times but mostly the big guy, we did have a flock around 40 from when I was a baby til high school but they were always Reds.
Just took a quick peek under the front half of my broody. Out of the 8 eggs I set under her, I could make out 2 chicks and one egg, but I could tell if the egg had pipped or not. I did not want to disturb her too much so I could not see any other chicks or eggs.

Out of the 8 eggs I set in the incubator, 6 are currently in lockdown.

I should have my final count by the weekend.
So sad...and mad at myself. Came home to a drowned chick. We have the small chick waterers but it still drowned. Added marbles now. It was my Delaware with the messed up feet so maybe it was a blessing since I wasn't sure we could fix them as bad as it was, but still it is heartbreaking. 4 of 5 silkies hatched. I put them in a new brooder and moved the blind Moran with one of the other small morans into that brooder too. Hoping that the silkies will be nice to the blind Moran, but it was too upset at the move so I had to move one of the others over with it.

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