Sprouting seeds


15 Years
Jan 7, 2009
Central Pennsyltucky
Well, I'm trying to give the critters here a varied diet without spending more than I would just feeding their regular diet (maybe even save). Sprouted seeds are on my list of food items. While scanning for seeds to sprout, I thought about scratch grains. Scratch grain is less than half the price of bulk bird seed. But, would the sprouts be small enough for buttons and coturnix? I don't really want to spend extra time chopping seedlings up. Any other ideas for supplemental feedings would be much appreciated as well! I already plan to raise mealworms, flour beetles and fruit flies (flies more for the babies).
Scratch grain should be fine if you can get it to sprout. I know the scratch I give our outside birds has cracked corn in it. That wouldn't do anything
but the rest should. Be careful giving mealworms that you don't give too many. Mealworms are high in fat and they can cause a fatty liver, especially
in Button Quail.

In most species, fat doesn't make the liver fat, carbohydrates do. (Well, technically carbohydrates combined with fat, but it isn't the fat that is the trigger, it is the carbs). Are quail different somehow?

Example: The fatty livers for foie gra is created by a high CORN diet force fed to geese or ducks
I was looking at "cat grass" growing in planters at the pet store the other day and thought my quail would love that! I looked intoit and all it appears to be is oat grass. If I'm right you should be able to get whole oats at the feed store by the 50 lb bag for cheap. I wouldn't mind giving this a try!

I was using meal worms as food rewards for Brita's training and found they give her diarrhea, so i went back to her regular food and just a few worms as a treat.
Good looking sprouts you have there TD! I have some alfalfa seeds going right now. I need to get the mixed bird seeds going next. The quail love millet and milo sprouts!
look nice :) i do alfa alot for the quail just recently added many more...nice to see i know where to get pointer's

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