SQ Egg Swap chat thread

You mean to tell me last month you got layer for $8.95?!?! I'm packing up now............. I'm headed to UTAH

Those are GREAT prices!

I agree! I wanna move to Utah now!
OK then last month's was better than mine.

I use a local grain mill.

50lb Starter $9.50
50lb Layer $9.25

Both rose a quarter each back in Feb.

I cannot remember how much their goat feed is........a dollar or 2 less than the chicken feed.
Cow Feed for Dairy is like $8 and for Beef cattle is $8.50

My dog food is higher there....they started carrying it a few months ago, but our dogs are doing so great I do not mind paying $4 more than I used to for another brand.
Dog food is 50lb for $17.

We get our horse & goat feed at a local feed store in the county the farm is in.

and I have no clue how much each is.......but I picked up a 50lb bag of oyster shell there (never found that size anywhere else) for around $7 or $8
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I went to the grain mill today and all they had was whole corn for like $8 a bushel. On a happy note, the bread store had a barrel of bread for me and that was $7. I chop it up fine and give it with scratch for a treat. They gobble it up. Also got 2 gallons of exterior oops paint and some plywood pieces for $2. For all of the wood. So it was a good shopping day. Oh, and 2 electric lamps from goodwill with reflectors for $3. each. Yay!
Wow a chat thread!


Just got back from the PO and had eggs waiting, so I unwrapped those. I need to send a couple of you a confirmation number. I had several boxes go out today.
Little Ameraucana Mom I got 5 cute little bantam Lavender Ameraucana chicks out of the eggs I got from you.

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