Square Foot Gardening Thread

I picked my first peppers yesterday, today I will have one in my salad. Sunday my first zuke should be ready to pick. A bunny and I are about to go to war they keep eating my adzukis. Tomatoes are blooming, but it will be a while before I get any from them.

My potato tires were a bust, no potatoes at all yet, but I still have 2 to dismantle.
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Awww! I am sad about your potatoes, I was really hoping for a bazillion without digging.
Girls got some lettuce from their very own box yesterday. The sunflowers survived the crazy storm and are growing like weeds.

Not a great shot, but if you look to the far left you can see one of the two cuke trellises we just put up. We chose brown over white so it would blend in a little. It is the plastic lattice- very easy to work with and cut with a razor knife. I will get better picks of them both, it hadn't occured to me to take pics at the time
50 meaties on the far right!

The red potatoes have gone nuts. And not a beetle in sight... yet.

Some pretty raddishes!
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I had used someone else's idea about the shredded paper for mulch. I put it around all the plants in one bed, and since I had green beans planted around the perimeter of two others, I just mulched around the tomato and zucchini plants. When i went out to check on the progress todaay, I noticed that almost all of the paper in the one bed was gone. I know it didn't blow away, 'cause it was still in the other beds. When we were eating supper, I realized the reason why. A catbird flew past the window with some of my mulch in it's beak!!
LOL! I know the Robins love to steal the stuff for their nests too.

I almost ended up in a divorce last night. Picked some fresh goodies from the garden including my first real 'mater since last year. Lefteverything on the side of the grill for mother nature to wash with the storm that looked like was coming. DH decided he would cover the grill and brought the veggies inside to be washed. That's not the problem. The problem is HE ATE MY 'MATER!!!!!
The problem is HE ATE MY 'MATER!
I don't have that problem here. TeeHee I have all the 'maters to myself. DH doesn't like them, or onions, or mushrooms, or green peppers----get the drift?
Speaking of hot------ I ordered a horseradish plant from work. I think it comes tomorrow. I love it when it comes out my nose ! LOL

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