Squaring hardware cloth


5 Years
May 5, 2014
I am considering making some mesh brooder/grow out boxes. Normally cages are made with J clamps - but I have an odd delima. I love my 1/2" hardware cloth - but it is not perfectly square. The short wires are about 1" off square over 24". Would make for a funny looking box. Any ideas on how to make a trapazoid of metal square? If I don't square it, the cage is going to be quite warped.
I am considering making some mesh brooder/grow out boxes. Normally cages are made with J clamps - but I have an odd delima. I love my 1/2" hardware cloth - but it is not perfectly square. The short wires are about 1" off square over 24". Would make for a funny looking box. Any ideas on how to make a trapazoid of metal square? If I don't square it, the cage is going to be quite warped.
I would make my picture frames shoot together with trim nailer, rack frame to match hardware cloth, secure hardware cloth at 4 corners, then rack frame back to sq and secure cloth in-between corner, then drill and screw frame corners. A pipe clamp works nice for re-racking.
Thank you. Figured there was an easy solution that I just had not thought of. A 4 sided frame - that can hinge on the corners is the ticket. Had not thought of a jig to do this - but it's exactly what is needed.

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