Squirrel or chicken moving fake egg

Buddys mom

May 28, 2023
Hi all,
I have 11 chickens, 3 of which have started laying for the first time a few weeks ago. They have always laid in the coop or nesting box. When I found that a brand new layer had laid an egg on the coop floor and one in the run I decided to put a fake egg in one of the nesting boxes, thinking it would help her to lay in the box. I went out to clean the run yesterday and found the fake egg on the ground outside the coop next to the ramp that lads into the coop. The entrance into the coop has a lip on it and so do the indoor nesting boxes. My question is: would the chickens try to remove the egg from the coop or would it be a squirrel? I check twice a day for eggs and haven't seen this happen out there before.
It could be a squirrel, rats, snakes. Anything That can find a way in, even if it's daylight and through the open chicken door. Do you have a camera you can put out there to see what is entering your coop?
While other critters may move the eggs, the chickens themselves can kick eggs out over the lip of the nest. Someone here on BYC has also claimed that a hen can pick an egg up and carry it under her wing.
But once I had a fake egg stolen, it was a wooden egg. Later it was returned and had teeth marks all over it! This was when our flock free ranged and I was allowing a low ranking hen to keep a nest out in an open shed.
It could be a squirrel, rats, snakes. Anything That can find a way in, even if it's daylight and through the open chicken door. Do you have a camera you can put out there to see what is entering your coop?

While other critters may move the eggs, the chickens themselves can kick eggs out over the lip of the nest. Someone here on BYC has also claimed that a hen can pick an egg up and carry it under her wing.
But once I had a fake egg stolen, it was a wooden egg. Later it was returned and had teeth marks all over it! This was when our flock free ranged and I was allowing a low ranking hen to keep a nest out in an open shed.
That's hilarious. Well, we have a camera in the back of the run and we're thinking of putting one in the front. I think we'll put one out there for sure now. Thank you for the reply, and the laugh. 😂
Did your hen end up being okay?

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