Start to a blood ring?


In the Brooder
Jul 31, 2015
Hello, this is my first time incubating. It is also my first time candling. I got the best picture from candling from the side. I have pekin duck eggs that are on day 5! This photo was taken late night on day 4 of incubation. It looks like a very faint ring is beginning to form around the veins. What do you think?

Thank you!
I dont think its a blood ring, looks good for day 4. But its way to early to say for sure. Give it a few more days and candle again! Good luck!
Another thought, the "ring" you could be seeing could be the outside of the yolk. Next time you candle, see if that may be what you are seeing. I'm on mobile, so the pic is kinda hard to tell...
Thank you! I compared the day 4 pic to some other hatchers pictures and they look pretty similar so I think you are right!

I had another question you may be able to answer, I have another egg that is also on day 5 and has absolutely no development still. I am going to leave alone and check again around day 7 and 10. I was wondering if it's possible for yolkers to explode in the incubator, or if only quitters explode?

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