Starting about 18 BCM eggs tonight. March 24th /25th hatch

My Pumpkin Hulsey baby was a roo... he was killed by a raccoon while still young (it jumped 8 feet out of a tree onto the top of the coop, and squeezed through a tiny inch vent hole). Because of him, I totally fell in love with the breed. I was keeping him in a flock with some older birds once he was old enough to be moved outside (including two Campine roosters with Napoleon complexes), but was prepared to separate him out if aggression was observed. He was a few months old, hadn't started to show aggression yet towards other roos, and was the most personable birds towards people that I've ever kept (seriously, if I was in the coop, he was either trying to fly into my arms, or wouldn't stop standing on my feet!).

I would like to keep a few of them, and I am totally prepared to bulid separate run for the roos... I had no illusions about that. I love them for what they are, not what I want them to be. I love my goofy mild-mannered mixed flock of egg-layers too, and wouldn't want to put them in danger either.
I have Emu eggs due Somewhere between March 20th and March 26th

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I'm in..I just put my eggs bought from a local farm in the bator far heat and humidity are holding up...i'm using the lg still air but plan to upgrade to brinsea if this hatch is not successful...and i'm staying away from our local tractor and supply store...they just started chick days and it was really hard not scooping up a bunch of those cutie pie chicks!

Hi John & Fellow Hatchers!

I set tonight 3/5. Hatch date 3/26...I hope!

All eggs from BYC member Bargain @ The Garry Farm.

14 Lavender Orps
15 BBS Orps
3 Wheaten Marans
3 BBS Marans
4 EEs x Lavender EE Roo

Almost all air cells look awesome. I think a couple were partially detached but I'm hopeful!

Also have 14 Silkies developing and due to hatch 3/17!

Have 5 BO, 7 White Rock and 4 EE Chicks in brooder! Busy Spring here

Good luck to all! Can't wait to see photos of your Fluffy Butts!

Spring time is great. I have a good 40 to 50 chicks right now. I just set up a brooder tonight with abouty 25 chicks in it and left a good 20 + chicks with 2 hens. . the only thing i will be keeping now is my marans chicks all the others i have listed on craigs List for 1$ each. and have not sold a chick yet. all the chicks are crossed from silkies frizzles and cochin not my doing. i bought a flock of chickens that had 4 hens setting on all the eggs. when i got them home i candled all the eggs and hatched what was growing and tossed the clear ones. I did not have the heart to toss the eggs with chicks in them. so i guess i might get stuck with all these little mutt chicks.

and no i dont ship chicks. lol
Well its five days into it and 16 to go.. The temp is holding steady and no stinky eggs. Knock on wood. How are yours doing?
Was yours a male? I plan on getting an O-Shamo, but a female...and I hear they're good with other hens, its only the males you have to watch out for. I'd hate to get a female and have them kill another hen.
Yes he was a rooster. The hens are safe, we have had a few game hens over the years and they make great broody's and will defend the chicks with their lives.
I am watchin.....I am setting my eggs in an hour, so I will have to find another thread to post on, mine are a week late. I know ggarrett is on this thread and we were hatch buddies last time. Good luck this time....lets double our luck at least his time!

Can't wait to see some of these dark eggs hatch! Love 'em and want some!

Maybe in April?

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