Starting about 18 BCM eggs tonight. March 24th /25th hatch

Hey there rsf31tmp! Welcome! I know there are some folks on this thread who set their eggs later... so you may not be far behind. And I definitely hope to at least double my luck here... my last hatch was terrible! (4 out of 23 eggs that developed. My temp was off and my fan went out during lockdown. Bah!).

I candled yesterday and got good and bad news. My eggs, and the shipped BLRW are developing really well. 100% of my eggs and 11/12 of the shipped BLRW. But all the pullet B/B/S Wyandottes eggs that were sent as extras with the BLRW are clear. Looks like they've been running away from their rooster. But the seller is so nice and is going to send me some more blacks once the hens are a little more developed just for the cost of shipping. So kind!

So it looks like I have 18 developing. Now I'm going to keep my hands off until day 18 unless something starts to smell funky.

Has anybody else candled yet?
I have not candled. I may try it right before lock down and see if any of the eggs glow and toss them.. But most of the time they are just 2 dark to candle. so i do the smell test and any thing that stinks gets tossed asap.
I did my first candle today. I only checked on 4 of the 11 and so far so good. Now I feel like I should do them all
With the silkie eggs i like to candle. you can see so much with the lighter eggs. and it is fun to watch them go from a little black speck to a chick and watching them move around in the shell. It kind of leaves me in aw every time. It still just amazes me that it goes from a mess of goo to a chick in 21 days. And a chick that as long as it is warm and has food and water needs no other care.. It will raise it self.
I didn't officially candle...I just hold a flashlight up the eggs...which are on their sides and see if I can see anything. Almost all my eggs are pretty dark, but I did see some development in one of me OEGB and one of my lavender ameraucana eggs. I think they're pullet eggs because they're really tiny but I'm thrilled to see development. I'm so excited. I don't know why I do this to myself. Its only 4/5 days into this hatch, but I feel like its been forever!
Day 5 for me as well. I just candled and all 8 have veins and what I assume is a wee little chick going strong. I have 5 Americana (probably spelled incorrectly) eggs and 3 Barred Rock or Buff Orp hens with Americana rooster. Two of the eggs have veins and chicks put everything looks "floaty" with dark shadows, what is this?

Very exciting!! karen
Do I have my hatch date right?? I put my eggs in the bator on March 5th around 11am. I have my hatch date as March 25th. Is this correct??
I will join you all but a little behind. I set 16 eggs today (March 9th) with my 2nd grade class... We are studying the life cycles of chickens
I am not sure what type of eggs they are , I should have taken some pics. They came from a farmer nearby here in Colorado.
Some were larger brown eggs with some speckles on them, some were smaller brown eggs, a few were a darker brown/gray eggs.
She told me she has a few different roosters.
We are using a Brinsea Octagon Advance 20. Temp has been steady at 99.6-99.7 and humidity has been between 42%-45%
When will I need to do lock down? I am kind of new at this. Last year we had a very unsuccessful hatch..
Do I count 18 days from today for lockdown or 19 days???
I am always confused with counting and figuring this out. We put them in this morning around 9:00 am
Good luck everyone

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