Starting about 18 BCM eggs tonight. March 24th /25th hatch

I checked on my eggs last night and heard tapping and an egg was rolling. It was day 17 and wasn't supposed to go into lockdown until today at noon, but I locked them down last night. But then I had the temps spike to 103, so I turned it down. It held stead at 100, so I left even though its a still air. Then this morning it was at 95! I can't seem to get it above 98 now. I've been checking and haven't heard a peep from them (excuse the pun)! I'm so worried they either froze or cooked so late in the game. I'm sure they're fine but I'm still freaking out.
That stinks. Do you have more than those 4 left in the incubator? Any of your own? I have to admit... I'm too squeamish to crack open eggs in fear that I'll see something I don't want to. So I never know why it is that my eggs don't develop or stop developing. Perhaps someday I'll get over it and start trying to figure it out.

My eggs went into lockdown this morning before I left for work! I forgot to candle last night, so the 15 that made it through day 11 are all in lockdown. I'm hoping that maybe there will be some rocking and peeping action when I get home from work today! They're due to hatch on Thursday and that seems like forever away right now...

I had about 23 from CDennis in Idaho, she sent me them the cost shipping only, and I bought 23 from someone on BYC in Tennesse and Im in CT. So I figured the eggs from Idaho might not make it, but most of them appear to be developing fine (they kinda dark) and almost all the scrambled yolks come from the ones I paid for! Go figure. But theres still a lot of dark eggs, so maybe some of those ones will hatch. I really hope so.

Definitely let us know if you get any action today!! I'm excited for you.

I sure hope they hatch, my OEGB eggs were clear as well not sure my rooster is doing his job! From the same batch I sent you I have one pip today! How exciting. Wishful thinking for fluffy butts!!!
Not much action yet. I have one pipped but no real action. I was not expecting them to pip till tomorrow so it was kind of a surprise to see a pip today. I don't really like early pips it usually ends bad for the chick. That's about all i got to report today.

Kvmommy. I don't think the little heat spike will hurt them. At this stage they should hatch.
I have my second pip from my eggs. the bought eggs still have no pips that i can see but 1 of them is rocking and rolling:D .
How about the temp spike? One egg was definitely tapping and rocking, but nothing from them now. I know its good they're not hatching too early, but since it did tap it makes me nervous. Temps are holding steady again, but I can't get my humidity up. Ugghh.
Day 19... Kitties are very vocal today and going battsh@t crazy around the house and the room the bator is in. Hummm Maybe they know more than I know but so far only rocking.
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I got some rocking eggs! I'm so excited. 5 rocking total, but no pips. Thats ok though, that just means that some of them at least survived my crazy temps. Its hard not to check on them constantly.
I woke up this morning and froze.... Thought I heard peeping.
No such luck. Just rocking of the eggs.

I can see three that rock for me when I tap the top and talk to them. Not sure about the others moving as they are close to each other so I could be missing it. I just want to hear them peep or tap or something.

I got out my expensive stethoscope to listen inside the bator.

Hurry up little babies!!!
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Wow... so much action for everybody! And on top of that, I got a pip this morning! And by the time I left for work the little chick was merrily unzipping itself. So I expect to have at least one chick in the bator when I get home tonight.

I agree that the other animals tend to have a better sense of what's up than we do. My black lab has been sitting at the incubator all morning watching. Hatching is one of his favorite activities other than watching chick TV over at the brooder. I'll have to take a picture of him tonight.

It's going to be a long day at work... that's for sure. I can't wait to get home and see who has arrived!
i'm officially at lockdown...did you guys line the bottom of your bators with something or just laying them on the wire - I have a styrofoam inc and lined it with one of those rubber shelf liners - not sure now if i should have used paper towels instead...i'm sitting on my hands trying not to touch the bator - but it's really, really hard!

temp is holding steady and my humidity has been ranging from 67%-70%. Has anyone's window become a little foggy? One of the windows on the bator has a little fogginess right around the edge..not too bad, i removed one of the vent plugs for a few minutes and that seems to be helping..I am soooo excited...thank goodness i'm able to be home from start to finish...

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