Starting about 18 BCM eggs tonight. March 24th /25th hatch

Mine got foggy in the beginning. I now have the vent plugs half in and the RH and temp are steady. I am also using a hot air humidifier in the room it is in to help out with the dry air in my house. I will be gone for 32 hours tomorrow and I want to be sure that the RH wont drop too much when I am gone. Also my mom is going to come by on Friday to check on the babies for me before I get home. I think she just wants to watch them hatch and coo over them.
I got a pip!!! I cant get my humidity above 50% so I decided to try squeeze in yet anothe paper towel and saw the pip. Decided not to add the papertowel in an already dry bator. Hope he doesnt get shrinkwrapped. I have all the channels full and a bunch of soaking wet papertowels in there. What do you all think?
Well still nothing from the shipped eggs, One of them was rocking yesterday but has no movement or pips today. 1 of my hens eggs is zipping and i think the first chick will make his big appearance in a hour or so. He is a little loud mouth i can hear him right now peep peep. If none of my shipped eggs hatch i am going to order another batch and try again. Or maybe i will just see about buying a rooster and getting him shipped to me.

now for some good news the last batch of Marans i hatched are 3 weeks old now and it looks like 4 out of the 5 are pullets.
WHat kind of eggs did you have shipped again? Congrats on the pullets! Both eggs that have pipped are the eggs from Idaho, one from Tennessee is rocking. I can't believe how many of the ones I paid for had to be tossed and they are far closer than the free ones from idaho. Go figure.
yipee on the pullets...i'm hoping out of the 8 remaining that I get at least 2-3 pullets...i'm keeping chickens in the city, in my backyard, but I know a rooster would be out of question - but chickens i can get away with...congrats on your new arrivals - i see a few on craigslists in our area are selling hatching eggs and some chickens but can't convince hubby that they are worth the 45 to an hour or more drive to get them..especially with gas being what it is...
Black Copper Marans, they came from Mississippi. But that's the way it goes. some times you win some some times you loose some. But its not over yet. so i will give them till Friday then i will crack them and see what went wrong. I know the 4 i saved was fertile and did develop. I think the detached air cells would be cause of them not hatching. I know with shipped eggs its a 100% gamble. I have ordered eggs from from another seller and had 100% hatch rate and on the second order had 0% hatch. So shipping is a big factor in the hatch rate.
OK where is my time machine? This is such a slow process. lol ok ok I know its only day 19 but sheesh
if you happen to find that time machine, pick me up, cuz today is day 1 of my lockdown and i can't wait either...i'm so tempted to open up the bator but I won't...

would be nice to keep this thread going after the hatches are done just to see how many pullets and roos we each got...and i hope you can all post pic's if you can of your hatchings and fuzzy butts..
I got my cameral all ready...2 pipped but nothing much. They are taking a very long break.

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