Starting about 18 BCM eggs tonight. March 24th /25th hatch

I got home from work and 2 were pipped... and then while i was watching a third one pipped! The one from this morning is slowly working on unzipping itself. But it's taking forever! I have my fingers crossed for chicks tonight before bedtime!
I now have four pipped, but 1 pipped through a blood vessel, one is pipping and zipping on the small end very close to the end so I don't know how she'll get out and my humidity keeps dropping! I got it up to 75% after being at 50% this whole time, and in an hour it dropped below 60%. This is sooo frustrating!!
I know what you mean about the humidity frustration - we had two days in the high 70's but today the weather is down in the 40's and I had to tweak this lg bator which i hate doing cuz the temp thing is so sensitive..i finally got it settled down right in time for lockdown today.

I now have 1 chick out. 3 others are trying to zip. out of the four bought eggs i know some of them are still alive as a seen a egg roll and another one wiggle. I still dont see any pips but i know as of know they still have live chicks so chances are i will get atleast one or 2 chicks out of them.
if today is my first day on lockdown...when should i expect a pip...and i'm guessing a pip is when they peep?...and zip is when they are trying to get out right?
It could be any day, mine pipped today, Day 19, but I think its because I had too high temps. You really don't want them hatching too early or too late. A pip is the first little crack/hole they make. It looks like an X and then pushes out and they have their little air hole. Then zipping is when they work around the egg to get out. I didn't quite get it until I saw it myself.
thanks so much for clearing that up for me...i'm so dumb...i've been putting my ear to the bator waiting to hear a peep...duh..

It could be any day, mine pipped today, Day 19, but I think its because I had too high temps. You really don't want them hatching too early or too late. A pip is the first little crack/hole they make. It looks like an X and then pushes out and they have their little air hole. Then zipping is when they work around the egg to get out. I didn't quite get it until I saw it myself.
You aren't dumb...its all a learning process. And besides, you do hear peeps! I didn't actually know that. And my first batch I was convinced none was going to hatch. Wasn't even excited at lockdown. I went to check on the humidity and temps and I heard chirps. I stopped and listened, thinking I must be hearing things and sure enough my eggs were peeping at me! This time, they pipped before they chirped. I'm worried to death right now because the humidity keeps dropping so low and the membranes look dry and leathery. Oh well, I can't wait for yours to pip too.
3 chicks out 7 to go. I still do not see any pips on the 4 bought eggs but am holding out hope.

Haha i got a pip on one of my bought eggs. come on chickie
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