Starting about 18 BCM eggs tonight. March 24th /25th hatch

5 out of 7 is really good. I just checked my welsummer that was moving and chirping so much. I did the float test, none of the wiggled. ANd then I candled and it looked like an internal pip, so I poked a hole in the air cell side. He was dead.
I think the rest are gone too but I'll give them til tomorrow. I'm definitely doing the easter hatch
I decided to check on mine... One was facing the bottom of the egg and dead and the other one never did an internal pip and was dead as well. I feel like I could of saved that one if I had just done something earlier. Poor guy stopped moving a day or so ago. I should of known.
lol! i'm with you on this one....even tho the suspense and constant watching has me drained, i had the nerve to send my payment off for a mixture of Ameracauna's and Black Copper Marans hatching eggs...I am a glutton for this sort of punishment...i can certainly see how people get hooked on this!!

please help me.
I have a broody and I set eggs, March 3 at 8 pm. Still nothing.
I just moved her to the basement, to see if warm wil help. Candleing has been a waste because they are EE and Marans, I cant see through the color. I do have a silkie egg, but I am afraid to touch at this point.
I just read about the water float test?
Father is a cochin.

Any suggestions?
I'd candle the silkie egg since its light colored, if its not pipping then its really probably not going to hurt it to candle it. Its just as risky as float testing. Warm water to 100 degrees, then wait for the water to still, gently place the egg in the water. If its moving its def. alive, and if floats high its dead. I've never hatched with a broody, so I don't know what else to do. Sorry!
Thank you,
I am going to wait till morning. I want to give her 12 hours to warm up and see if we hear anything.
I have been looking at all the new chick pic's and I am about to cry. I really want these chicks.
thanks for listening.
The 7 chicks i hatched are doing great. I got the incubator all cleaned out and my next batch of eggs set today. The weather has turned cold again so the silkies are not laying as good as they were so i went ahead and filled the incubator with 13 BCM eggs and 8 silkie eggs.


OK lets see if i can get a picture of the 7 chicks. its not the best every time i try to take a picture they seem to want to run and huddle up.

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I had one chick pass away...
Its my fault. I had the brooder temp right at 95...not thinking about how the temp in the house fluctates about 10 degrees. Well, I went to check on them and it was 105, all the other chicks were away from the heat, but one little guy stayed. He was dying when I found him, but it was too late.
Now i need to find some good silkies and maybe BCM for the easter hatch.

john in wa, do you raise your own or did you buy them?
kvmommy, Yes i raise my own, all eggs i am setting today are from my birds. I only buy eggs now when i am looking to freshen the blood lines and improve my birds.. I don't like to do the line breeding thing so i try to change my roosters every year with better stock..

The 11 silies i have i don't know much about them. I have only had them for a short time and am trying to get the silkie thing figured out. I had to give some of the silkies away because they had a sixth toe and even though i don't show them i still don't want to breed them. so all the silkies need work and i will breed them and cull for faults.

then in another coop i have 2 black frizzle hens in with a blue Cochin roo i call cowboy. he has such heavy feet feathering he walks like a old cowboy. I really don't need them i just keep them because they are just so fun to watch. picture of cowboy and his 2 girls.

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