State a fact about yourself!

Yes, I suppose that I am lucky because I was singled out as strange and crazy about chickens and it won me a ribbon. And I loved every minute of it! What can I say, I'm a crazy chicken girl.

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That would be me at a show. Every time the crazy bird flapped, I'd be like "Canary, we'd be done sooner if you'd cooperate!" Lucky canary, if I ever do get to show my girls, it'll be lady jane, oegb. She's awesome, everyone loves the "pigeon"
I love langshans like crazy. And malays, and cochin banties, and EE's and....... I'll end it there. I don't have a favorite breed
Those are probably my top four though
My ee's think that I am their fearless protector and mother. They were fussy babies, so me and sis would bring them in and let them sleep in a big sweatshirt sleeve, and they would sleep for hours on end. Now they think that we are their mommies, and whenever they get pecked on the roost, they're all like, "MOMMY RORY PECKED ME!!!!!" I tell them that they are wimps but they don't seem to be listening.....
Only,.... 3 of them are "fierce and brave" as me and sis tell all of them to be
Ok, who else ate waaaayy to much food tonight? I had three slices of pie, and two slices too many
I got suprisingly full to soon

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