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hah! I HATE WASP Here in Mississippi you cant get away from them is the warmer months!
It loved my little sister. She was close to tears cuz it kept trying to land on her
Yeah, my other younger sister was in Kentucky a month or so ago, and she almost shared her bed with a wasp, but she moved when she saw it. She says she's never going back there again, but of course, Mom plans vacation there for next year
Oh tell me about it. The latest member of freezer camp was raised by a broody, and I couldn't even try to catch him cuz I'd get SO STINKIN' MAD AT HIM!!!

yep even the fattest roosters are fat we seperated all 3 of are roos b/c they were fighting and one got out of its cage andI was running for hours trying to catch that stupid thing!but we set up a trap and we caught it! thank god!
yep even the fattest roosters are fat we seperated all 3 of are roos b/c they were fighting and one got out of its cage andI was running for hours trying to catch that stupid thing!but we set up a trap and we caught it! thank god!
Yeah, Tally ho was HUGE, but he could jump too

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