Stella's Social Club

MY BYC 4th. anniversary is in August, I lurked for about 8 mos. before I joined and took longer still till I posted a reply. I will be 66 in July- so I am the" oldie "of the bunch

Duh, why would I want to brag about ????
I am 38 and have no idea where I rank in age
When I moved here, last September I took a picture of the pond area. Yes, there is a small garden pond under that mess.

Here it is a couple of days ago. I am working with a non-existing budget. :)

Still has a long way to go. But it is a start.

Gave away a bunch of chicks. I am working on the Alohas and I did not like what I was getting so I am pretty much starting over. I kept a couple, but I got rid of about 40 chicks. Parent's are gonna be the next to go. Feed costs too much to be raising them up and hoping for some quality.

My dang Violet Laced Wyandottes are driving me crazy! Fertility is horrible. I am lucky to get 2 chicks out of 15 eggs set. I have a trio. I have trimmed them and everything.

I guess I am not too good at lurking. Hi Kelly and Mary. See I am participating.
Great job on the pond, Tonya!! ..........and on the participation!

My downsizing is in progress! Tonight I got rid of so many chickens, I lost count. Yesterday I sold about 20, also. I will have to try to count tomorrow. I plan to call, "The Trader Show," tomorrow with, "free roosters!"

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