Still don't know, Hens or Roosters?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 3, 2014
San Marcos, CA

Our chicks turned 3 months old yesterday and even though we thought we were pretty sure all 4 are hens, a trip to the Country Store where we got them from made me doubt it again, so, here are some pictures and we would love to hear your thoughts. Especially our proud Australorp, her tail is quite high... for some reason I couldn't get the pictures uploaded. Though I will try again

Sorry, still won't load, almost look like an issue with this site? Here's the error message -
  • Aug2014Chicks3.JPG - Error, param staticContentPath is not a directory! [/var/www/html/]
Maybe look on the internet for pics of a rooster and hen chicks! I think if it were a roo you would know. Maybe check their combs and wattles and how much noise they make!
Can you describe the questionable one? Besides the tail being high. I have two young australorps and they both have quite high tails (super pretty) Near the tail do the feathers come to a point and almost point down? (sign of roo) or are they rounded (pullet?) What do the comb and wattle look like? Is it pretty red or still kind of pale?
Thanks for your notes - and yes, our australorp has high tail with rounded ends that don't turn down, so I hope that's a good sign :) Her comb are barely developing still but there are times they are redder, most of the time still quite pale. Hope we will be able to post pictures soon again.

Thanks again!
Whenever you can post a photo, I'd be happy to help sex your birds. Unfortunately, I think there is some sort of site wide photo posting problem going on right now.
Both of them are definitely pullets.

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